日期:2017-09-04 17:18



Welcome to "Slang Time with Ronnie", that's me.My name's Ronnie and this is dunh, dunh, dunh dunh, "Slang Time".
欢迎来到“与 Ronnie 的俚语时间”,那就是我。我的名字叫 Ronnie,而这是锵锵锵锵,“俚语时间”。
Oh, what is slang?Hmm, slang is basically street language. Okay?
So if you were to look up the word "chill" in a beautiful dictionary, it might say something like, "chill means to be cold" or "chili is a food".
你如果去字典里查 "chill" 这个单词,可能会看到类似“ chill 的意思是寒冷”或者 “chili 是一种食物”这样的内容。
Slang basically means it's kind of new words that have been invented by people speaking English, yes, like me and you.
You can invent new words?That's cool.
If you invent a new word, tell me what it is, I want to know, in English. Okay?
Today's "Slang Time with Ronnie" word is "chill", "chill out."
今天的“与 Ronnie 的俚语时间”要讲的单词是 "chill",比如 "chill out" (冷静下来)。
Sometimes people will get really, really, really, really angry, and they will start moving their arm around, crazy, freaking out, ah, and you want to tell the person to calm down.
Now, in slang, in movies, the people will not say, "Hey man, calm down!"
用俚语的话,在电影里人们跟别人说:“嘿,老兄,冷静下来”时不会用 "calm down"。
They'll say, "Hey man, chill out.""Chill out" is slang for calm down.
他们会用 "chill out"。"chill out" 是表示冷静下来的俚语。
So if one of your friends is acting crazy in a store, in a restaurant, and you're a little embarrassed, you can say, "Hey, chill out.


Everything's going to be fine."The next one you're going to use again with your friends, "let's chill."
不会有事的。”下一个也是用在朋友之间的:"let's chill" (我们去玩吧)。
Hmm...this means let's hang out.What does "hang out" mean, you ask?
这个和 "let's hang out" 是一个意思。你问 "hang out" 是什么意思?
"Hang out" means do something with another person.What you do with that other person is your business. Okay?
"hang out" (闲逛,消遣)的意思是和另一个人一起做些什么。你和那个人一起做什么是你的事。
So "let's hang out" means you and your friend maybe have a plan to go to the movie or you have a plan to see your friend on Saturday.
所以 "let's hang out" 的意思是你和你的朋友可能计划去看电影,或者你计划周六去见你的朋友。
So you call your friend and go, "Hello? What do you want to do on Saturday, do you want to chill?"
"Chill, chill, cold, chill, yes, yes, I would like to hang out.Let's chill, thank you, that would be great."
“chill 是什么意思,冷?chill,嗯嗯,我想去玩。我们去玩吧,谢谢,太好了。”
So it just means you are going to spend time with someone.The next one: "I'm just chillin'".
所以它的意思就是你要和某人待在一起。下一个:"I'm just chillin'" (我就是在放松)。
Have you noticed that there is an apostrophe here?
Mm-hmm, the reason why is because properly, we should have a "g", but in slang, we don't like proper grammar or spelling, no.
加这一撇是因为在正规的英语中我们应该再加个 "g",但是在俚语里,我们可不喜欢正规语法或拼写,拒绝。
So we're going to erase the "g" and we're going to say, "chillin'".Try it: "chillin', I'm just chillin'".
所以我们要把这个 "g" 擦掉,读作 "chillin'"。跟我读:"chillin',I'm just chillin'"。
"I'm just chillin'" means I'm relaxing, I'm not doing anything important.
"I'm just chillin'" 的意思是我在放松,没在做什么要紧的事。
Maybe I'm watching TV, maybe I'm doing homework, maybe I'm working, eww.
So if you're not doing anything important and your friend calls, you can go, -"Hey, you want to hang out?"
-"Sure, I'm just chillin' right now.What time do you want to meet?"
The next one is "He or she or someone or something is chill".
下一个是 "he/she/someone/something is chill" (某某很酷)。
Huh, "he's chill", "he's chill", what?What does that mean?
额,他很 "chill" 是什么?那是什么意思?
This basically just means this person is cool.Huh, are they cold?
Or is it "chill" like the dictionary says and cold like not hot?No, "cool" is another slang word.
"chill" 是不是就像字典里说的,表示冷,不热?不,"cool" 是另一个俚语里的词。
If someone is "cool" or they are "chill", it means you think they are a good person.
如果某人很 "cool" 或 "chill",那就说明你觉得他人不错。
So you can say, "Hey, Ronnie's pretty chill, isn't she?"
所以你可以说:“嘿,Ronnie 还挺酷的,是吧?”
And you'd say, "Yeah, let's hang out sometime.""Cool."
And the last one is what we have to say in Canada in the winter, "I'm chilly."
最后一个是我们在加拿大冬天的时候说的:"I'm chilly" (我好冷)。
This does not mean that I'm cool or I think I'm cool, it means that I'm cold.
It's winter in Canada, it's spring in Canada, I'm cold or you can say, "I'm chilly."
在加拿大冬天,春天的时候,我很冷,或者你可以说 "I'm chilly"。
I remember when I was a child, there was a penguin cartoon and his name was Chilly Willy...hehe, that's funny.
我记得我小时候有个企鹅的动画片,它的名字叫 "Chilly Willy",呵呵,蛮搞笑的。
So, if you're cold, you can say, "I'm chilly".If you're cool, you can say, "I'm chill."
如果你感觉冷,就可以说 "I'm chilly"。如果你很酷,那就可以说 "I'm chill"。
If you're not doing anything, you can say, "I'm chillin'".
如果你啥也没在干,那就可以说 "I'm chillin'"。
If you want to hang out with one of your friends, you can say, "Hey, let's chill."
如果你想跟一个朋友出去玩,那就可以说:“嘿,let's chill ”。
And if your friend is a little crazy, you can say, "Hey, chill out."Bye.
如果你的朋友有点疯狂,那就可以说:“嘿,chill out ”。拜。

  • embarrassedadj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的
  • apostrophen. 撇号,单引号
  • inventvt. 发明,创造,捏造
  • cartoonn. 动画片,漫画 vt. 为 ... 画漫画
  • actingn. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出
  • erasev. 抹去,擦掉 [计算机] 擦除