日期:2017-09-07 17:21



Hello. My name is Benjamin, and I'm here to teach you on EngVid today some really good vocabulary
大家好,我的名字叫 Benjamin,我今天要在 EngVid 上教你们一些非常棒的词汇,
for asking people to do what you want them to do in a work environment, helping you to be the boss.
Okay. So first thing, I want you to imagine, to think, of one thing you want someone you work with to do, okay?
What could it be?Think of the person you want to do...okay, yeah.
I want them to do that, yeah, good.So here are some different uses.
We're going to talk through some different kinds of instructions, some different ways of asking people to do something.
Okay? Good.So first one: "aim at" or "aim to".
懂了吗?很好。那么第一个:aim at" 或 "aim to" (以......目标;力求)。


So we could say, "Bob, I'd like you to aim at producing that presentation by Tuesday morning."
所以我们可以说:“ Bob,我想要你以在周二上午之前弄好报告为目标。”
Okay? So when we use "by", we introduce a deadline that they have to finish it by.
我们用 "by" 引导的是最后期限,他们必须在那之前完成。
Okay? So "I'd", obviously that's short for "I would like you to do this".
那么,"I'd" 显然是“I would like you to do this”中的 "I would" 的缩略形式。
Okay? And now, in terms of the pronunciation, "I'd like you to aim", so we shorten...we don't pronounce the "O", and it becomes "t' aim at".
说到读音,在 "I'd like you to aim" 中,我们缩短了......我们不把 "o" 的音发出来,所以它的读音就变成了 "t' aim at"。
Okay? So this kind of all goes into one word.
"Bob, I'd like you to aim at finishing that presentation by Tuesday morning."
“ Bob,我想要你以在周二上午之前弄好报告为目标。”
Now, Bob asked me what the presentation needs to be.
现在 Bob 问我需要怎样的报告。
So I say to him, "Aim to have a beginning, a middle, an end with some graphs and some evidence." Okay?
"Aim to", aim to do this, this, and this, great.
这里用的是 "aim to",力求做到这个,这个和这个,很好。
Now, "count on" and "rely on" are ways of checking, of asking if Bob can definitely do this, if he can do this.
"count on" 和 "rely on" (指望;依靠)是确认,询问 Bob 是不是一定能做这件事,问他能不能做这件事的方式。
Okay? So I say to him, "Bob, can I count on you to do that?"He either says yes or no.
所以我对他说:“ Bob,那件事我就指望你了,行吗?”他要么回答“行”,要么回答“不行”。
If he says yes, I know that Bob can do the presentation.I could say it another way, "Can I rely on you to do that?"
如果他说了“行”,那我就知道 Bob 可以做报告。我可以用另一种方式来说:“那件事我就靠你了,行吗?”
Okay? Again, the pronunciation, you don't really need to pronounce the "to", it just goes "t' do that".
读音还是一样,不需要把 "to" 完整地读出来,只读成 "t' do that" 就行了。
Right? So "rely on", "Can I rely on Bob to do this?"
对吧?那么这是 "rely on",“我能不能靠 Bob 来做这件事?”
If I rely on Bob to do my presentation, Bob is doing the presentation, and I can do other work.
如果我靠 Bob 来做我的报告,那么这个报告就是由 Bob 来做,我可以去做别的事情。
I know Bob will do it, I rely on him.Okay? "Rely on, count on."
我知道 Bob 会做的,我就靠他了。这是 "rely on" 和 "count on" 的用法。
Okay, so "count", it's the same word as counting money, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven pounds.
这个 "count" 和我们数钱,一块,两块,三块,四块,五块,六块,七块用的是同一个词。
Here, I'm counting on him. Good."To fit something in". Okay?
这里指的是我指望他,很好。下一个是 "to fit something in" (找时间做某事)。
So "fit", it's a word we use with clothes.Do these clothes fit?Do I fit into them?Do I fit in?
"fit" 这个词我们经常用在服装上。这些衣服合适吗?我穿着合适吗?我能穿进去吗?
Yeah, I fit, they fit me."Is that something you can fit in?Can you fit this presentation into your day?Can you find time in your day to do the presentation?"
"Is that...", okay, meaning the work, the presentation, "...a thing you can fit in." Okay?"Is that something you can fit in?"
“你能安排时间做那件事吗?”,"that" 指的是工作,那份报告。“你能安排时间做那件事吗?”
Now, another way of saying this, "Do you think you'll be able to squeeze it in?"So "squeeze", here, that's more informal, okay?
还有另一种表达方式:“你觉得你能不能挤出时间做这件事?”这里用 "squeeze" 更不正式。
So I say, "Do you think you'll", so that's obviously short for "you will be able", future tense, "you will be able to squeeze it in."
所以我说“你觉得你能不能挤出时间做这件事?”,这里的 "you'll" 显然是将来时 "you will" 的缩写。
And the answer would be, "Yeah. Sure, Benjamin, I can fit it in.No problem."Okay? You with me so far?
Now, if I have doubts, if I have questions about Bob doing my presentation, I might need to follow up. Okay?
如果我对 Bob 做我的报告有所疑虑,有疑问,我可能需要跟进。
It's a good idea to follow up, that means to check."Bob, are you doing the presentation?Bob, how's the presentation going?
Bob, any news with the presentation?"These are all ways of following up.Now, we can use "followup" with a noun."Bob, we will need to plan a followup."
Bob,报告有没有什么新进展?”这些都是跟进的方式。我们可以把 "followup" 用作名词。“ Bob,我们需要计划一个跟进行动。”
"A" or "the", remember, those are articles with the "followup", which is our noun. Okay?
记住,"a" 和 "the" 是用在我们的名词,也就是 "followup" 前面的冠词。
"A followup", working there as a noun.We can also use it as a verb, okay?I say to Bob, "I will be following up on this."
"a followup" 在那儿是用作名词。我们也可以把它用作动词。我对 Bob 说:“我会跟进这件事的。”
Okay? Future tense with "will".Or another way of saying it, again in the future, "Bob, I am going to follow up on this."
将来时要用 "will"。或者换个方式,还是用将来时:“ Bob,我会跟进这件事的。”
"I am going to follow up on this."So "follow", I expect you might know the verb "follow".
“我会跟进这件事的。”我想你可能认识 "follow" 这个动词。
If I follow someone, I walk around on them.So if I'm following Bob, I'm making sure he's doing the work.Great.
如果我 "follow" (跟着)某个人,我会在他周围走来走去。所以如果我在跟着 Bob,我是在确保他有好好工作。很好。
Now, Bob is getting a bit annoyed because I'm asking questions, questions, questions.
现在 Bob 被我弄得有点烦了,因为我一直在不停地问问题。
So he just says to me, "Benjamin, no problem, sir.I can pull this off." Okay?
于是他干脆对我说:“ Benjamin,没问题的,先生。我会把这件事做成的。”
"Pull off", that means "can do". Okay?"Pull off" means "can do".Now, let's have a little picture.
"pull off" 的意思是“能够做到”。"pull off" 是“能做到”的意思。现在我们来画个图。
This is where we are now, this is where we want to get to.
And Bob is going to pull the target off.He's going to do it so easily, he's going to "pull it off". Okay?
Bob 要实现这个目标。他会非常简单地做到它,他会“成功做到”的。
Now, I'm just going to go and check to see if Bob is doing his work.
现在我要去检查看看 Bob 是不是在好好工作。
Okay. So the good news is Bob has done the presentation really well.
好消息是 Bob 把报告弄得非常好。
So just got a few more little phrases to throw in there when we need to conclude something.
So maybe you've been having a very long conversation, maybe over Skype, kind of a conference call.
可能你进行了一段很长的对话,可能是用 Skype 开了个电话会议。
You could say, "Right. We're going to need to wind things up there.""We're going to have to wind things up." Okay?
So "wind up", imagine you're fishing; you're bringing in the line.
要理解 "wind up" (结束),你可以想象一下你在钓鱼,你要把线收起来。
You're winding in the line.Okay? You're coming to an end.You could say, "We're going to have to finish up."
你是在把线卷起来。你要结束了。表示“我们必须结束”时,也可以用 "finish up" (结束,完成)。
Again, you could say, "We're going to have to finish up there, at this point, now.
We're going to have to finish up there." Okay?Imagine Formula One racing cars.When the cars finish, you wave the flag.
"We're going to have to finish up there."And one other way of saying it, "We're going to have to draw to a close."
“我们必须就此结束。”表示“我们必须结束”的另一个短语是 "draw to a close" (告终,结束)。
Okay? "Close", open, close,"We're going to draw to a full stop", when the shop is shut. Okay?
开关的那个 "close"。当商店关门时,我们可以说“我们必须画上圆满的句号”。
So today, we've done lots of ways of asking people to do things.Why don't you have a go, now, doing the quiz?
It's on www. engvid. com.You're very welcome to subscribe to my YouTube channel.I'd love to share some more things with you.
就在 www. engvid. com 网站上。非常欢迎你订阅我的 YouTube 频道。我很愿意与你分享更多内容。
And if you really like my work, you can check out...it's gone, it's disappeared.
You're going to check out my Facebook page, which is Exquisite English, should be a link below.See you next time, all the best, bye.
你可以查看我的 Facebook 主页,名字是 Exquisite English,下面会有链接。下次见,祝你一切顺利,拜。

  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • channeln. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法 vt. 引导
  • shortenv. 弄短,变短
  • formulan. 公式,配方,规则;代乳品 adj. (赛车的)级的
  • pronunciationn. 发音
  • informaladj. 非正式的,不拘形式的
  • annoyedadj. 恼怒的;烦闷的 v. 使烦恼;打扰(annoy
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • squeezev. 压榨,挤压,塞进 n. 压榨,勒索,榨取
  • concludevi. 总结,作出决定 vt. 使结束,推断出,缔结