BBC纪录片《南太平洋》(MP3+中英字幕) 第144期:奇异的岛屿(20)
日期:2017-11-13 07:55


It's difficult to believe that an advanced culture capable of carving and erecting these monoliths grew up in such a barren landscape.
The truth is, it didn't.
事实是 它不是
When those first colonisers discovered Easter Island, this was a paradise.
首批开拓者发现复活节岛时 这里是天堂
These empty cliffs were once home to the largest seabird colonies in the South Pacific.
Rich volcanic soils nourished a forest of giant palms that was home to many unique species,
肥沃的火山灰土滋养着巨大的棕榈林 也是许多珍稀物种的发源地
including Easter Island versions of herons, parrots, rails and owls.
包括复活节岛鹭 鹦鹉 秧鸡 鸮

BBC纪录片 南太平洋

Today, they are all gone.
The people, ultimately, didn't do much better.
The rise and tragic demise of the Easter Islanders, the Rapa Nui, is now legendary.
复活节岛的人类经历了兴盛和悲惨的灭亡 拉帕奴伊是现代传奇
This quarry once occupied the majority of the island's workforce, thousands of people,
with each clan trying to carve and raise a bigger, grander figure than those of their neighbours.
