错觉化妆 胆小者慎入!
日期:2017-11-07 07:49



I'm not sure where to look. So you-- are you a makeup artist?
我都不知道该看哪儿了 你是一名化妆师?
Actually, I'm a professional artist-- You are?
其实 我是一名专业艺术家 是吗?
Yes, I use my body as a canvas because I want to use the only canvas in the world that's my body.
对 我用我的身体当画布 因为我只想用这世上唯一的画布 那就是我的身体了
Right. Yeah. OK, so-- and then, you started-- what made you think to do this, though? Sorry?
对 好 好 你开始 是什么让你想这么做呢?什么?
That's what I thought.
You knows, she used always something, like, to create something creative, something new.
就是 她喜欢一些有创意的东西 一些新东西
And she loves herself so much that's why she draws on herself, usually. OK.
她特别爱自己 所以通常都只在自己身上作画 好




OK, so, I mean, like, look at that.
好吧 看啊 看看那张图
How long does it take you to do, like, for instance, something like that?
你要花多长时间 比如说 完成那样的妆容?
How long does it take to do that? That took more than three hours. Yes.
需要多长时间?那要三个多小时 对
Do you do that and go into bars, just to freak people out?
你会化成这样去酒吧 去吓人吗?
Like if people are drunk, that probably is very confusing to them, right?
如果人们喝醉了 他们肯定会很困惑 对吧?
Yes, actually, I went outside with this look.
对 其实 我有一次化成这样出门
And I saw a baby crying, seeing my face. Oh. Well, that's horrible.
一个婴儿看到我的脸后就哭了 哦 太可怕了
OK. And then, how long did that take to do?
好 那你脸上的那种需要多长时间?
It took one hour. One hour? Yeah.
一个小时 一小时?对
And then what about your nails? So that's hair, and your face. Yes.
那你的指甲呢?那是头发 还有你的脸 对
OK, so did you paint the nails? Did you do those?
好 是你自己涂的指甲吗?都是你弄的?
Yes, I did, all by myself. And where does the hair come from?
对 没错 都是我一个人弄的 头发是哪儿来的?
This is my own hair.
So you cut the hair and put it on there? Of course.
OK, and do you do different nails all the time?
好 你会一直做不一样的指甲吗?
Yes but actually, this is because I want to express my different facial expression.
对 其实 我想表达不同的面部表情
So that's why I painted it. Right.
所以把它们给涂下来了 嗯
But it's really uncomfortable. So I cannot eat any noodles.
不过这很不舒服 我没法吃面条
You can't really complain that there's hair in your food at a restaurant, because it's coming from you.
在饭店你还不能抱怨食物里面有头发 因为那就是你自己的
I understand under here, you painted me.
So I have nails that are-- here let me try to put one on.
我也有指甲 我戴一个试试
And-- Let me help you, So, am I--
我帮你戴 我是
Yeah, it looks amazing. Thank you so much. That's amazing.
嗯 太棒了 非常感谢你 很棒
It's your profile picture on Instagram. Yes, it is. I know. I know. It's great.
这是你Instagram上面的头像 没错 是的 我知道 很好
OK, so you did something that you blended into the background.
好 你还做了一些让自己混入背景中的事
And you did this on our stage. Let's take a look. There you are. OK.
你在舞台上展示了一下 我们来看看 这是你 好
There you are. It's amazing. All right, well, I mean, really, that's so creative.
你在那儿 太棒了 好 说真的 太有创意了
It's so nice to meet you. Thank you so much for being here.
很高兴认识你 谢谢你来上节目

  • confusingadj. 使人困惑的,令人费解的 动词confuse的现
  • complainvi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉
  • creativeadj. 创造性的
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • professionaladj. 职业的,专业的,专门的 n. 专业人员
  • uncomfortableadj. 不舒服的,不自在的
  • canvasn. 帆布,(帆布)画布,油画