日期:2017-08-14 06:55



Last week I mentioned that we launched
上周 我说过
A brandnew website called ellentube.
我们开了个新的网站 ellentube
And you can go there and you can see clips from the show
你点进去 你就能看到 艾伦秀的剪辑
And things that happened behind the scenes.
You can upload your own videos for me to see.
你也可以上传视频 让我看
And I know what you're thinking.
Ellen, it's just full of cat videos, isn't it?
艾伦 其实都是关于猫的视频吧?
No, it is not. And this is one. It was posted by kacey queen.
不 不是的 比如这个 这个是凯斯女王发布的




And this is a baby trying an orange for the first time.
这是 这个婴儿第一次吃橘子
I'm not sure if it likedid it like it? Didn't like it?
我不知道 他是不是喜欢 他喜欢吗?他不喜欢吗?
That's what I looked like when I tried tequila for the first time.
我那个时候 也是这副表情 就是我 第一次喝龙舌兰的时候
I was like, "Well, let me try it again, maybe--"
我就像..“好吧 让我再喝一口 可能...”
Okay, there are some cat videos on ellentube,
好的 ellentube上有好些猫猫的视频
And this is one posted by alyssa steinkamp. The toaster scared it.
比如这个 是由alyssa steinkamp上传的 这只猫被烤面包机给吓到了
Thank you for posting those. I appreciate it.
谢谢你 上传了这段视频 我很喜欢
Listen, keep posting them. I don't mind a cat video.
听着 你们也要多多上传猫猫的视频 我也喜欢的
I enjoy all different kinds of videos.
各种各样的视频 我都喜欢
And i do like baby goats. Keep that in mind too.
还有 小山羊我也喜欢 你们记住哦
