日期:2017-11-06 07:47



We're back with Nacho Figueras.
And before we go, all month long we've been partnering with Ulta Beauty to raise money for Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
开始之前我说一下 这整个月我们都和Ulta Beauty合作为乳腺癌研究基金会筹资
And we felt we would raise some money by playing polo.
We have 30 seconds on the clock. For every ball that we hit through the goal, Ulta will donate $1,000.
我们有30秒的时间 每打进去一个球 Ulta就要捐赠1000美元
All right. You're going to be on this. Is this mine?
好 你骑这个 这是我的吗?
Just hold my stick here. OK, I'll hold your stick. Yeah.
拿着我的棍 好 我拿着你的棍
One second. We'll make more money. OK.
稍等 我们能挣更多钱 好




Get in there. You get on. No, you get on. For I want to help you.
上去吧 你骑上去 不 你先上 这样我可以帮你
No. No? This is your goal right here. And that's mine. Come on.
不 不嘛?这是你的球门 那是我的 拜托
Always cheating. No. No, I'm not. She cheats, by the way. No.
老是耍赖 没有 没有 我才没有 说一下 她耍赖啊 没有
Don't tell people lies. I played ping pong with her once.
别对大家撒谎 我跟她打过一次乒乓球
No, not once, three times. And she always do.
不对 不是一次 是三次 她老是耍赖
That's why we didn't play ping pong today and we played polo.
所以今天我们才不玩乒乓球 我们玩马球
She's still going to lose. I know a couple more things about her that you don't know.
她还是会被我打败的 我知道几件你们不知道的她的小秘密哦
She drives like-- may I say? Like your grandmother.
她开车就像 我能说吗?像个老奶奶似的
Oh my god. You know what I think it is?
天哪 你知道我在想什么嘛?
I don't know. Why don't you stop talking?
不知道 你赶紧闭嘴吧
I'm regretting having you on the show.
It's the traffic syndrome of L.A. You're used to going slow like.
那是洛杉矶交通综合症 你习惯慢慢开车了
I was having to go so slow because you were following me.
All right, let's go. All right, so you have to get your ball through there.
好 开始吧 所以 你得把球打进去
And that's mine. And so for every one's a $1,000.
那是我的球门 每打进去一个球就是1000美元
And you have to keep the horse going the whole time.
All right? The motion of the ocean. Yes.
好吧?模拟在海浪上的动作 对
Oh, that's mine. Yee-hee! All right, that is $25,000 that we just raised.
哦 那是我的球门 好 我们刚才筹集了25000美元

  • drivesn. 驱动器;驱动力;驱动程序(drive的复数形式)
  • syndromen. 综合症,典型表现
  • donatevt. 捐赠,转移(电子) vi. 捐款
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉
  • foundationn. 基础,根据,建立 n. 粉底霜,基金会