日期:2017-11-03 08:44



Hey, you guys, as you know, the old Taylor Swift is dead, but--of course, there's a new Taylor.
大家好 你们知道 老泰勒·斯威夫特死了 当然了 还有个新的泰勒
She has risen, and she's very active on Instagram.
她激起了 她在Instagram上面很活跃
This past week, Taylor went on Instagram and left comments on her fans' pictures, and the internet lost its mind.
上周 泰勒在Instagram上评论了她的歌迷的照片 网络上要炸锅了
I mean, she's been a trendsetter.
So I thought, well, I should do what she does. So look, Taylor.
所以我想 我应该做跟她一样的事 看啊 泰勒
Look what you made me do. Look what you just made me do.
看你让我干了什么 看你都让我干了什么
I have a few of my followers in the audience today.
I would like all of you to be my followers.




I don't know why all of you aren't my followers, but I have a few of you and I want to comment on your photos right now.
我不知道为啥你们不全都是我的粉丝 不过我有几张你们的照片 我想评论一下
Steve Adcook. Where's Steve Adcook?
史蒂夫·埃德库克 史蒂夫·埃德库克在哪里?
That's great. People are big fans of yours, Steve.
不错呀 大家都是你的粉丝啊史蒂夫
I don't know-- a lot of fans here for you.
不知道 这儿有好多你的粉丝
OK, this is what Steve posted right here. Oh, OK.
好 史蒂夫晒了一张这样的照片 哦 好
And you posted, "Never underestimate the healthy effects of laughter."
So you got this body by laughing, I assume.
That's-- 24 hour laughter. 24. Just laugh, laugh, laugh, and then you get that body. Yes.
24小时不停地笑 只用大笑 大笑 大笑 大笑 然后你的身材就能成这样了 对
Yeah, well, no wonder you're happy. That's a nice body.
嗯 难怪你那么开心呢 身材不错
You should be very, very happy about that.
Steve, the only thing that I really am not happy with with this picture is that you don't have Ellen underwear on.
史蒂夫 我对这张照片唯一不满意的地方就是你没有穿艾伦内裤
So I'm going to give you some Ellen underwear.
Next time you post something, I expect to see those on you.
下次再晒照片的时候 我希望能看到你穿着它
So does everybody else. All right, Cassandra Kwong.
别人也一样啊 好 卡桑德拉·邝
Where are you Cassandra Kwong? Oh, hi.
卡桑德拉·邝在那儿?哦 你好
Hi. How are you? Not as popular as Steve, apparently, but--
你好 你好吗?没有史蒂夫那么受欢迎哈 不过
Is it Kwong? Am I pronouncing-- Kwong. Kwong. Yeah.
是邝吗?我念的 邝 邝 嗯
OK, now let's show everybody what you posted.
好 给大家看看你晒了什么
It says, "Meet my new drinking buddy."
I don't know if this is your baby or you're just a very irresponsible babysitter.
I don't know-- That's one of my good friends' baby daughter and the mom is right here.
不知道 那是我一个好朋友的小女儿 她妈妈就在这儿呢
Oh, it's your daughter. Yeah. So you were just multitasking.
哦 是你的女儿啊 对 你那时候同时做了好几件事啊
You wanted to continue your drinking and yet feed the baby.
你想继续喝水 还想喂孩子
I assume there's milk in that, not rose or whatever you are having there.
那应该是牛奶吧 不是玫瑰或其他东西
That's a cute baby. How old is that baby?
宝宝很可爱 多大了?
She's turning two, end of this month. Turning two? Yeah.
她马上就两岁了 这个月底 两岁?对
Well, that's an old picture. I was going to say--
那张照片是很久以前的了 我还说呢
Very small for-- I don't know much about babies, but I know that she doesn't seem like she's two.
很小 我不太了解孩子 不过她看起来不像两岁
All right, well that's very impressive.
好 很厉害
I was very impressed by that. Thank you for posting it.
让我很难忘 谢谢你晒了这张图
Where is Natalie Large? Oh, you were already up.
娜塔莉·拉奇在哪里?哦 你已经站起来了
I said Natalie. I just assumed. As if you're the only Natalie here.
我才只说了娜塔莉 我猜就是我 好像你是这里唯一的娜塔莉一样
Apparently you are. Is there another Natalie? No. All right.
很明显你是 还有别的娜塔莉吗?没有 好
Somehow you knew that. You did a check beforehand when you were in line.
不知道你怎么知道的 你排队的时候还检查了一下名单
"Am I the only Natalie? All right. Fine."
“我是唯一的娜塔莉吗?是 好”
All right, you posted this. Oh, Lord. Oh!
好 你晒了这张图 哦 天啊 哦!
Double Ps, you say. Double Ps.
你说“两个高峰” 两个高峰
And yet you look so surprised that someone was there with a camera.
That reminds me of when I took a picture of Oprah's melons.
I don't know if you saw.

  • assumedadj. 假装的;假定的
  • commentn. 注释,评论; 闲话 v. 注释,评论
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • irresponsibleadj. 不负责任的,不可靠的,没有承担能力的
  • impressiveadj. 给人深刻印象的
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • swiftadj. 快的,迅速的 n. 雨燕,线轴 Swift n
  • assumevt. 假定,设想,承担; (想当然的)认为
  • impressedadj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的
  • underestimaten. 低估 v. 低估