日期:2017-09-08 06:16



It's time for our segment Me Me Monday.
It's the guitar, they had to do that at the end.
这是吉他 我必须得在结尾那样做
Okay, here's the first one. When I go to Target without my kids.
好 这是第一个 我不带孩子去塔吉特的时候
Yeah. Here's the next one. When you explain something 17 times and they still don't get it.
嗯 下一个 当你把某件事解释了17遍他们依然不懂的时候
Here's another one. I don't know who gave my child a whistle, but I will find you and I will kill you.
下一个 不知道谁给了我孩子一个口哨 但我会找到你并杀了你的




Here's the next one. When it says 4 to 7 business days to ship and you hoped it was 4, but it looks like it's gonna be 7.
下一个 它说运输需要4至7个工作日 你希望它是4天 但实际好像还是要7天的时候
Here's another one. The ball was in his hand the whole time.
下一个 球一直都在他手里
He never even threw it. Frankly, Steven, I was shocked.
他连扔都没扔 说实话 史蒂文 我还真是震惊啊
And here's one more. When Mother Nature drinks three Red Bulls.
还有一个 大自然母亲喝了三瓶红牛以后
And, finally, when you take a selfie to get a pic of the hottie behind you.
最后 你拿着自拍杆去给后面的辣妹拍照时
If you see a meme you think I should see, please send it to me,
如果你也有我应该看的表情包 请发给我哦

  • whistlen. 口哨,汽笛,厂笛,啸啸声,用于召唤或发布命令的哨声
  • guitarn. 吉他
  • segmentn. 部份,瓣,弓形 vt. 分割