Hello. I'm Gill from www. engvid. com and we're having a lesson today on the verb "to use", which is quite an interesting verb and it is used in different ways.
大家好,我是 engvid 网站的 Gill,我们今天这节课是关于动词 "use" 的,这是一个很有趣的动词,有很多不同的用法。
So I'm going to show you a few ways that we can use the verb "to use". Okay.
我会教你们动词 "use" 的一些用法。
So: "use" in the past tense: "used", and we also talk about being "used to".
那么,"use" 的过去式是 "used",我们还会讲一讲 "used to"。
So I'll be showing you some examples of the different ways of using "used to". Okay.Let's just start with the simple meaning.
我会给你们看几个例句,这些例句中 "used to" 的用法各有不同。我们从简单的意思开始讲吧。
Right, to use something, the simple meaning."I use a computer at work." Okay?
"use" 的简单意思就是使用某个东西。“我工作的时候用电脑。”
I have a computer on my desk, I use it.It's part of my job to use the computer. Okay?"She uses a sat-nav in her car."
To help her find her direction, how to go to somewhere when she doesn't know the way, a sat-nav machine in her car, she uses.
So, obviously, "use", "uses" depending on the person.I use, you use, but he/she/it uses.
所以用 "use" 还是 "uses" 显然取决于主语。"I" 和 "you" 后面用 "use",但 "he"、"she"、"it" 后面要用 "uses"。
We just add the "s" on the end in the present tense. Okay.
在现在时中,我们就是在动词后面加上了 "s"。
And then just the past tense, if I...if I...in the past I had a job where I used a computer at work,
so we could change that to past tense if we want to and say: "I used a computer at work", just the same. Okay.
So that's just the simple way of using "use".So let's have a look at some more complicated ways of using this word.
以上只是 "use" 的简单用法。现在我们来看看这个词更复杂的一些用法。
And the first one is "to get used to" something.
第一个是 "to get used to " (适应;习惯)的用法。
And you may have noticed when I said that, I made more of an "s" sound here: "used", "ss"; whereas with this one, it has a sort of "z": "to use".
你可能注意到了,我读 "used" 的时候发的是清辅音,更像 "s",而这一个 "to use" 发的是浊辅音,更像 "z"。
"Use", but then when we come to this, "use", "used", "used to". Okay?
当 "use" 变成 "used" 时,"used","used to" 这些都是发 "s" 的音。
So just remember there is a slight change of pronunciation when you say "to get used to something".
所以要记住,当你读 "to get used to something" 的时候,发音上稍微有点变化。
And this is when you're adapting to a new situation, to get used to.
"to get used to" 的意思是适应新情况。
You're probably having to get used to the English language and all the complications in it, and the new vocabulary that you're learning.
You have to get used to a new language, adapt to it.
Okay, so looking at this first example, maybe this is someone who has moved from a hot country to a cold one,
and they're finding it very difficult in the winter because the winters are cold and long.
So, they might say: "I can't get used to the long, cold winters."
It's really difficult to adapt, to get used to the long, cold winters. Okay?
And then this one, maybe someone who has started a new job and there are a lot of new things to learn, so they're saying: "There's a lot to learn in my new job, but I'm getting used to it.
I'm adapting gradually, I'm getting used to it."Okay? So this is about adapting, a gradual process of getting used to something.
Okay? So that's getting used to something.And similarly: "to be used to".
那么以上是 "get used to something" 的内容。相似的还有 "to be used to" (习惯)。
Again, it's the "s" sound, to be used to something is when you have adapted or it was...it's always been like that.
还是一样,它发的是 "s" 音,"to be used to something" 就是你已经适应了,或者它总是这个样子。
It's normal, it's a regular situation.So there's nothing new here.
It's something that you've always done or you've done for a long time, so it feels normal.So, you say: "I'm used to getting up early".
"I'm used to", "to be", "I am", so that's part of the verb "to be"."I am used to getting up early."
在 "I'm used to" 中,"I am" 就是 "to be",是动词部分。“我习惯了早起。”
I'm not used to getting up early, but some people are.I find it very difficult, getting up early.
Oh dear, especially in the long, cold winters. Mmm.
Okay. "I'm used to getting...", well, somebody, "He is used to getting up early.", I'm not.
Oh, here's a negative one: "He's not used to driving on the left."
Maybe someone who's moved countries, again, in his country they drive on the right.
So he moves to a country where they drive on the left, how confusing, and he's not used to driving on the left.
You can even have an accident if you're not used to it.I think you have to practice quite carefully first.Not used to driving his car on the left. Okay?
And then finally in this section, again, the weather in this country, in the UK: "We're used to wet weather in the UK." Okay?
"We are used to wet weather".It rains a lot, especially in the autumn.
Okay. And in the spring, and in the winter, and sometimes in the summer as well.So it's very...it can be very wet here.
You may not want to come now I've told you that, but anyway.
Perhaps you're here already.Anyway: "We're used to wet weather in the UK."
And the longer you spend here, you...easier you'll get used to it as well.Okay, so that is the first part of the lesson.
We have one more set of examples which we'll be covering next.
Okay, so here is the final example of how "used" is used.When you say: "I used to".
好了,这是 "used" 用法的最后一组例句。这个用法就是 "I used to" (过去经常;曾经)。
So, again, we've got the "ss" sound, not "z", "used to".
还是一样,我们发的是 "s" 音,不是 "z"。
We also don't really pronounce the "d" much, "used to".
"used to" 中的 "d" 我们也不怎么读出来。
So we don't try to say: "used to", it's too difficult.
所以我们不会试着把它读成 /jusd tu:/,这样太难了。
So: "used to", but it's spelt with the "d" but it's not really pronounced, "used to".
所以虽然 "used to" 的拼写里有 "d",但读的时候并不把它读出来。
So, this is something, the meaning of this is quite different from the other: "to get used to", "to be used to".
这一个的意思和其他的,也就是 "to get used to" 和 "to be used to" 的意思很不同。
When you say: "I used to do something", it's something in the past, something you did in the past, but you don't do it now. Okay?
当你说 "I used to do something" 时,意思是这是过去的事情,是你过去做的事情,但是你现在不这么做了,知道了吗?
So, for example: "I used to live in North London."Okay? "I used to".
At one time I lived in North London, but not now.Now I live in South London. Okay.
The river...the river divides London, and the areas are very specific.
People in North London don't like to go to South London, and people in South London don't like to go to North London sometimes.It's a bit of a...the river is a big divide.
Anyway: "I used to live in North London, but I'm happy to say I now live in South London." Okay.
"She used to play tennis, but then she hurt her knee" -she had an injury, something happened to hurt her knee- "and she had to stop", had to stop playing tennis.
She used to play, she used to play.At one time she played tennis, but not now because she hurt her knee. Okay?
Another one: "I used to work full time", to work full time, that means from say 9 or 10 o'clock in the morning through to 5 or 5:30 at night, so like seven hours, the full day.
And that's usually Monday to Friday for a lot of people.
That's full time, about 35-36 hours a week is full time.So: "I used to work full time..."
The opposite of full time is part time, it's called part time."...but I only work in the afternoons now".
Okay, so: "I used to work full time, but now I'm part time.I only work in the afternoons now."
Okay. And finally, this is where you see somebody and they look familiar, you think: "I know that person.Where do I know that person from?"
And then you think back years and years and years to when you were at school: "Ah, we were at school together all those years ago.
So you say: "Ah, we used to go to the same school, didn't we?"We used to go to the same school, didn't we?"
We don't go there now because we're too old to go to school.
"We used to go to the same school, didn't we?"
And then the other person might pretend not to recognize you.
It depends, you know, what your relationship was at school, whether you were friends or not.
But anyway, I hope those examples and the earlier ones have helped to show how this interesting verb: "to use" can be used.
但是不管怎样,我希望这些例句还有之前的那些对向你们展示如何使用这个有趣的动词 "use" 有所帮助。
So, to take it a little bit further, we have a quiz on the website: www. engvid. com.Please go there and try the quiz, see how you do.
为了让你们巩固学到的内容,我们在 www. engvid. com 网站上准备了一个小测验。请去网站上做一做小测验,看看你做得怎么样。
And please, if you'd like to, subscribe to my YouTube channel.And hope to see you again soon.Bye for now.
如果你愿意的话,请订阅我的 YouTube 频道。希望能够很快再见到你。再见啦。