日期:2017-08-28 11:32



Hi, everyone, I'm Jade.In this lesson today, we're looking at the rules for articles, but more specifically, the rules where we have exceptions in using articles.
大家好,我是 Jade。在今天的课程中,我们要来讲讲冠词的规则,更确切地来说,是冠词的例外用法的规则。
So when I'm observing people's English, all the time I'm hearing the same mistakes with articles.
So what you will learn to do in this lesson is how to avoid those really, really common mistakes I hear all the time.
If you're somebody who just doesn't use articles at all because in your native language, you don't have articles, I understand it can be really, really hard to start using them.
But they are an important aspect of grammar, and you should be using them.
So if you watch this lesson, you'll get some tips for using articles, where you need them, and where you shouldn't use them.


And also, if you're someone who's getting articles right nearly all the time, I'm quite sure that you will pick up one or two rules here that you didn't know before.
So let's get started, there are eight different rules.
Rule No. 1: When we're talking about countries, most countries we don't use an article.
So here some sentences."She lives in England.They live in America."We don't use articles.
But if the country's considered to be a nation state, a collection of different states, or a collection of different countries in one bigger state, then we use articles.Here are examples.
So "the U.S.A. , the U.K. , the U.A.E." where I spend a lot of my time, and here are...also, we need to mention islands.
所以在“美利坚合众国”,“大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国”,以及“阿拉伯联合酋长国”前都要加上定冠词 "the",我在阿联酋待了很长时间,我们还要提一下群岛。
When a country is a group of islands, we always use articles.
So we would say "the Virgin Islands", and we'd say "the Philippines" as well.
所以在“维尔京群岛”和“菲律宾”前我们要加上 "the"。
It's interesting that we can say, "She lives in England" because England is one country.
有意思的是,我们用 "England" 时可以直接说“她住在英国”,因为英国是一个国家。
But when talking about the same...okay, it's not exactly the same place, the U.K. , because it's...the U.K. is more than one country.It's more than just England.
但是当我们说同样的......好吧,不完全是同一个地方,因为 "the U.K." 不止一个国家。不止是由英格兰组成的。
But sometimes people think of it as being the same place, it's not.
When we're talking about the U.K. , we need an article, but just for "England", it's okay not to use an article.
当我们说 "the U.K." 时,我们需要加上冠词,但是用 "England" 时可以不用冠词。
Let's take a look at Rule No. 2.Rule No. 2, this is a really subtle rule, here, and this one I always correct in sentences.
When people talk about meals -- breakfast, lunch, dinner, also brunch is a meal you might not know, it's in between breakfast and lunch, we don't use articles.
So here's a correct sentence."I don't eat breakfast."I'm talking in general there, "I don't eat breakfast.", that's okay to say.
However, if I'm being specific, "We didn't like the dinner", it's okay to use an article here, you need to.
So what does the sentence actually mean?Imagine that we were out last night, and we had a meal.And now, we're talking about it.
I said, "Well, the place was nice, but I didn't like the dinner.", being specific about that experience we had.
If I'm talking in general, "I don't like dinner", that would just mean all the time.
Okay? So it's a very big difference in meaning.Now, we'll look at rule No. 3 for jobs.
Jobs take the indefinite article.That's a grammar word, and "indefinite article" means "a".We don't use "the".
在职业前要用不定冠词。那是一个语法词,“不定冠词”就是指 "a"。我们不用 "the"。
Here's our example, "I want to be a politician."I actually really don't want to be a politician, but maybe some of you watching this do.
If you want to be a politician, you should really study English really hard.
It's very important.Let's have a look at the next rules.
No. 4, do you know this English language board game called "Scrabble"?
In this board game, you get points for spelling words.
And if you can spell a long word, that's better, usually, it depends.
But sometimes, you'll have a long word that everybody knows, but actually, you can't get any points for it in Scrabble because it's a proper noun.
And that basically means a noun that takes a capital letter.
So it could be a word that everybody knows like "June, August, Friday" or a place name like "London".
And you don't get any points for that in Scrabble.
So...also, how it relates to this lesson is when we're using proper nouns, we don't use "the".
所以......这与本节课的相关之处就是我们在用专有名词时,前面不加 "the"。
We don't use the definite article, but we can use prepositions.
So "See you on Monday" or "He is in London."
It's okay with proper nouns, but not the definite article.
Rule No. 5: When we're talking about languages, we don't use articles there either.
So we can say, "He speaks English.", that's a perfectly good sentence.
And rule No. 6.Okay, when there's only one of something, then we use "the".
第六条规则。当某个事物只有一个时,我们要加 "the"。
So what things are there only one of something?
Well, if you look up in the sky, and it's night, there's only one moon.
And there's only one sun in our solar system.
So when we're using the moon and the sun, we always use "the" with it.
所以当我们用月亮和太阳时,前面总是要加上 "the"。
And maybe this one is a confusion sometimes because in your language, maybe "moon" and "sun" are names, so you think they don't use an article.
Well, anyway, in English, they do take an article, so it's really important that you don't forget to use "the".
不管怎样,在英语中它们前面是要加冠词的,所以你们一定不要忘记加上 "the"。
And...oh, yes, here's another one that there's only one of something in the world.The Internet, okay?There's just one Internet.
There are all these different computers and devices connected to it, but there's just one Internet.So we use "the" with "Internet".
虽然有很多不同的电脑和装置连接着它,但是因特网只有一个。所以在因特网前面要加上 "the"。
When we come back, we're just going to look at the final rules for using articles, the ones that people get wrong all the time.
Okay, let's take a look at the last two rules for articles.No. 7 is uncountable nouns.What are uncountable nouns?
These are nouns that we don't add "s" to, and we find them most of the time when we're talking about food.
不可数名词就是在后面不能加 "s" 的名词,不可数名词多见于食物类名词中。
For example, "bread", usually we don't put a plural with "bread" or "pasta" or "rice".These kinds of things are uncountable nouns.
So usually, we're not going to use "the" with them if you're talking in general.
所以如果是泛指,我们通常不会在这些名词前加 "the"。
If you say, "I like bread", we're talking in general, just as a statement.
But if you say, "I like the bread", we're talking about something in the room with us, something we can see, something at the table with us now, some specific bread.
Rule No. 8 is very similar: abstract nouns.Again, these don't take a plural.
What abstract nouns are is they represent concepts, not real things that we can touch in the world.They're ideas, concepts.
So "information" is an abstract noun, and "freedom" is an abstract noun.
And when do we use an article with these; when don't we use an article?
Let's have a look."The information was helpful."
Here, we're being specific, I'm maybe talking about something I'm holding in my hands.
Whereas, "Freedom is worth dying for.", there is no article here because that's a general grand statement about freedom.
And if we put abstract nouns at the beginning of sentences, usually we don't want an article there because we're talking in general.
So there are my eight irregular rules for articles.
If you apply these, that will help take your English to a higher level because many of these rules people miss out and not using articles where they need to be, or the other way around.
So if you want to take this a little bit further, you can go to the website, and you can do the quiz on the website.
Also, if you like this video, you can subscribe, subscribe here on my EngVid channel.
还有,如果你喜欢这个视频,可以订阅,在这儿订阅我的 EngVid 频道。
And also, on my other YouTube channel where I've got more than 200 videos to help you learn English, as well.
也可以订阅我的另一个 YouTube 频道,我在那个频道上也有200多个可以帮助你学习英语的视频。
So yes, I'm finished now, and I hope you come back soon for more English with me.Bye-bye.

  • specificadj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的 n. 特效药,特性
  • confusionn. 混乱,混淆,不确定状态
  • channeln. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法 vt. 引导
  • definiteadj. 明确的,确切的,有把握的
  • subtleadj. 微妙的,敏感的,精细的,狡诈的,不明显的
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • collectionn. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • politiciann. 政治家,政客
  • statementn. 声明,陈述