日期:2017-08-29 11:31



Hello, I'm Jade, what we're talking about today is how to use apostrophes.
大家好,我是 Jade,今天我们要讲的是如何使用“ ' ” 这个符号。
So, I know there's going to be a few native speakers watching this video.
It really is time to learn how to use apostrophes correctly.It's not that hard.
There are a few simple rules and we're going to talk about them today.
We'll start with the easy stuff, and eventually we'll get to the more advanced rules, but you'll probably never need to use the more advanced rules.
But anyway, we'll get there in the second part of the lesson.
So what I want to start with is mentioning my school name: "Haberdashers Askes Hatcham College".
我想从我的校名开始讲,我学校的名字是 "Haberdashers Askes Hatcham College"。


This is where I learnt how to use apostrophes.
But at first, I cheated because I've got a really...had a really long school name and I always remember needing to write this on exam papers.
But I think when I...when I started the school, I probably didn't know how to use apostrophes so I memorized where the apostrophes went.
I didn't understand why they went there, but I memorized them.
So the apostrophes were like this...I'm going to explain why.So what's "Haberdashers'"?
所有格符号要这样加......我会解释为什么的。"Haberdashers'" 是什么?
A "haberdasher" is an old-fashioned word for somebody who makes garments, makes clothes, and all together, they were...they were together in what's called a trade guild.
"haberdasher" (男士服饰用品商)这个词已经过时了,指的是做衣服的人,这些人聚集的地方叫做行业协会。
And this is quite an old-fashioned thing now; maybe doesn't really exist so much, but they had some charitable objectives.
And so there were a group of these haberdasher people and one of them was a man called "Robert Aske," so this is somebody's name; person.
所以过去有这么一群男士服饰用品商,其中有个人叫做 "Robert Aske",所以这是一个人的名字,指的是一个人。
And "Hatcham" is a place in London, and "College" is quite a posh name for a school.
而 "Hatcham" 是伦敦一个地方的名字,而 "college" 则是学校比较时髦的叫法。
So you put all those words together and that's my school.But let's talk about: why these apostrophes?
So, the apostrophe is outside the "s" here because we're talking about more than one haberdasher, that's the rule; more than one thing, and possession, the apostrophe goes on the outside.
这里的所有格符号在 "s" 后面是因为我们这里所指的不止一个男士服饰用品商,那是规则;当不止一个事物,又表示所有格时,所有格符号就要在外面。
Why the apostrophe here?When the possession belongs...one thing belongs to one person, we put the apostrophe before the "s".
这个所有格符号为什么在这里呢?当一个东西属于一个人时,我们把所有格符号放在 "s" 前面。
So the school belongs to Aske, Mr. Aske, so that's why the apostrophe is there.
这所学校属于 Aske 先生,所以我们把所有格符号加在了那里。
Maybe that's confusing, let's break it down and look at the rules one-by-one using apostrophes.
So, number one: possession.Another meaning of possession is when...when you lose your mind, you're taken over by something.
第一条:所有。"possession" 的另一种意思是当你失了魂时,你被别的东西接替了。
But the more...the meaning I'm talking about here is when something belongs to you; when you own something.
So here's a man, here's his car, "The man's car is there."
This sentence means: the car belonging to the man.
And to show possession, I put the apostrophe before the "s".
为了显示所有,我把所有格符号放在了 "s" 前面。
I'm talking about just one man, so the apostrophe goes before the "s".
我讲的只是一个男人,所以所有格符号要放在 "s" 前面。
And same really in these other examples: "That's George's car."Why...why one here?
其他的例句也是一样的,比如:“那是 George 的车。”为什么这里有个所有格符号?
Well, here, we're not talking about apostrophes and possessions, this is something else.
That means: "That is".That means something else.This is an apostrophe with possession.
那是 "That is" 的缩略。是别的用法。这个是表示所有的所有格符号。
His name is George, it's a car belonging to George."That's George's car."
他的名字叫 George,这是一辆属于乔治的车。所以我们说“那是 George 的车”。
And to show something belongs to someone, when we've got a name, we put the apostrophe after their name and then we put the "s" there.
表示某物属于某人时,如果我们看到的是人名,那就要在人名后加上所有格符号,然后再加上 "s"。
And we don't...we can also do it with places.So we've got: "London's best fish and chips."
The best fish and chips belonging to London, and again, we do apostrophe, "s".
最好的炸鱼和薯片属于伦敦,所以我们要加上所有格符号和 "s"。
So when we're talking about possession, that's quite clear.It's okay, yeah?
But now we have an exception, and sometimes there's a lot of confusion about this and sometimes people get quite annoyed.
But what I am going to say is that there are two...there are two ways to show possession when the name ends with an "s".
但是我要说的是,当人名以 "s" 结尾时,有两种方式表示所有。
So it's preference really; some people prefer this way, some people prefer this way.
All you need to do is just pick one and be standard, always...if you pick one, just use that way all the time.
Don't...definitely don't do it one way in an essay and then get a bit scared and do it a different way because you'll be wrong then.
You need to pick...you definitely need to pick a way.So, "Chris" is a name ending in "s".
你必须选择一种。"Chris" 是一个以 "s" 结尾的名字。
So we can...I don't like saying this, but we can say the girlfriend belonging to Chris by putting the apostrophe on the outside of the "s".
所以我们可以......我不喜欢这么说,但是我们可以通过把所有格符号加在 "s" 外面表示这个女朋友属于 Chris。
So it's...although, in grammar, it means the same as these examples, here we're not putting the extra "s".
虽然在语法上这和这些例句是一样的意思,但是我们没有多加一个 "s"。
So that brings us to the second example.Here's a...here's a common Welsh name: "Jones", it ends in "s".
这就带我们来到了第二个例子。这是一个常见的威尔士人名:Jones,这是以 "s" 结尾的。
So, you might choose to show possession when the name ends in "s" by putting apostrophe "s" on your name, you can do that as well.
当人名是以 "s" 结尾的时,你也许会选择通过在名字后加上所有格符号,然后再加个 "s",这种做法也是可以的。
So there are two options here."He is Mr. Jones's business partner."The business partner belonging to Mr. Jones.
所以这里有两种选择。“他是 Jones 先生的生意伙伴。”这位生意伙伴属于 Jones 先生。
When we come back, we've got more rules for using apostrophes and to show possession.
Are you ready for the advanced rules of apostrophes?Are you sure you're ready?You can do it.
Okay, for collective nouns...what's a "collective noun"?
A collective noun is one that we don't put "s" with, they're...they have their own words already.
集合名词就是不加 "s" 的名词,它们已经有了自己的复数形式。
So we don't say "womens" with an "s" because "women" means more than one, that's what a collective noun is.
所以我们不会在 "women" 后面加上 "s",因为 "women" 本身就是指多个人,那就是集合名词。
"Men" means more than one man, and "children" means more than one child.
"men" 指的是多个男人,而 "children" 指的是多个孩子。
So they're a little bit different to just a regular noun where you can just put "s" on the end.
所以它们和那些可以直接在词尾加上 "s" 的一般名词有点不一样。
So when we have a collective noun, we have a different apostrophe rule.
So what we do is we put the collective noun down, and then we do apostrophe "s".It's not that hard.
我们的做法是在集合名词后面加上所有格符号,然后再加上 "s"。没那么难。
"The women's group meet weekly."This means the group belonging to the women, more than one woman.
Next sentence: "The men's toilets are disgusting."You bet they are, not that I go in them.
More than one man and toilets belonging to more than one man.
We put "men" and then apostrophe "s", as I said before.
写下 "men",然后加上所有格符号和 "s",和我之前说的一样。
And last example: "The children's department is upstairs."
The place where you can go and buy children's things, delightful children's clothing and toys and stuff.
The department belonging to the children is upstairs, so we put the collective noun and then apostrophe "s" to show that possession.
这个属于儿童的部门在楼上,我们在集合名词后面加上所有格符号和 "s" 表示所有。
Let's compare the collective nouns apostrophe rules to just normal nouns where we put an "s" to show more than one.
我们来比较一下集合名词的所有格符号使用规则和可以在后面加 "s" 表示复数的普通名词的规则。
So we have one boy and "boys" means more than one boy; it could be two boys, it could be, you know...it could be 100 boys.
一个男孩是 "boy",而 "boys" 就表示不止一个男孩,可能是两个男孩,也有可能是100个男孩。
So how do we show possession for more than one boy?
"The boys' school is excellent."No full stop.
This means the school belonging to more than one boy.
There would be more than three boys in the boys' school.
Or maybe it...it could have two meanings, it could be the general school belonging to the boys,
or maybe if you were talking about two of your children and you had two boys, you could say it like this: "The boys' school is excellent."
Our next example: ladies.We have one lady and the plural of "lady" is "ladies".
下一个例子:"ladies"。一位女士是 "lady",复数形式是 "ladies" .
And these are some ladies doing yoga."The ladies' yoga class has started."
Again, because we already have an "s", we just put the apostrophe on the outside of the "s".And that's that really.
还是一样,因为我们已经有了一个 "s",所以我们直接把所有格符号放在 "s" 的后面。就是这样。
Now, we're getting to the apostrophe rules you might not use, but let's have a look at them.
"Tom and Pete's friend Shaun."What does that mean?
Tom 和 Pete 的朋友 Shaun。那是什么意思?
Well, there's...there's one...there's one Shaun and he's equally a friend of Tom and Pete.
有一个叫 Shaun 的人,他既是 Tom 的朋友,也是 Pete 的朋友。
But we don't...we don't put apostrophe "s" there, we just do it once.
但是我们不在那儿加所有格符号和 "s",只加一次。
We just put it on the second name when we want to show that the possession is equal to both of the...both of the subjects.
So one Shaun, equally a friend of Tom, equally a friend of Pete, and that's how we show it with apostrophes.
所以一个 Shaun 是 Tom 的朋友,也是 Pete 的朋友,我们就是这样用所有格符号表示出来的。
What's about this one then?"Lulu's and Angela's boyfriends."What does that mean?
那么这一个呢?Lulu的男朋友和 Angela 的男朋友。那是什么意思?
Well, this is a kind of example where you need to get it right because it has quite different meanings.
This sentence means Lulu has a boyfriend.This is Lulu's boyfriend, he's saying: "Where's Lulu?"
这个句子的意思是 Lulu 有一个男朋友。这是 Lulu 的男朋友,他在说:” Lulu 在哪里?“
And this is Angela's boyfriend.They're two separate guys, two separate girls.
而这个是 Angela 的男朋友。他们分别是两个不同的男人,两个不同的女孩。
So if I do that...if I...if I take the apostrophe "s" away there, then they share one boyfriend.
如果我把那里的所有格符号和 "s" 去掉,那么她们就共有一个男朋友了。
I mean some people do that, but you want to make sure you've got your grammar right there because you might be confused.
So if possession is two separate things in your list, you have to do apostrophe "s" for each subject.
如果所有的是两个不同的事物,那在每个主人后面都要加上所有格符号和 "s"。
Let's look now at...what are these called?Compound nouns.
Compound nouns, when there's more than one word that go together to make a noun.
So we have the example: "mother-in-law".
这里有个例子:"mother-in-law" (岳母,婆婆)。
And "mother-in-law" is singular here, so how do we show possession?
"mother-in-law" 是单数,那么我们如何表示所有呢?
There are three words, where does the apostrophe go?
"His mother-in-law's party."One mother-in-law, one party.
And so we put the apostrophe "s" there and that shows us that we're just talking about one mother-in-law.
所以我们把所有格符号和 "s" 放在那里,表示我们所讲的只是一位岳母。
It's just one woman having a party, "His mother-in-law's party".
Whereas if you have a plural compound noun, first what you need to do is write your compound noun down which would...
which in a singular would be: "brother-in-law" and to make it a plural, you put the plural on the first word there.
它的单数形式是 "brother-in-law",要把它变成复数的话,你要在第一个单词那儿加复数词尾。
So here we have "brothers-in-law".If I wanted to make "mother-in-law" plural, I would say: "mothers-in-law."
所以它就是 "brothers-in-law"。如果我想把 "mother-in-law" 变成复数,我会说 "mothers-in-law"。
No...no...no "s" here, don't need an "s" there.Just one "s" after the first word.
这里不加 "s",那里不需要加 "s"。只在第一个单词后面加一个 "s"。
Then we need to put in our apostrophe, where do we put it?"The brothers-in-law's company."
So we put the "s" there before, that doesn't mean we put the apostrophe there.
我们前面在那里加了 "s" 并不代表我们也要把所有格符号加在那里。
We put the apostrophe on the last word; the same as the example for the singular."The brothers-in-law's company."
There are...there are two brothers-in-law, they've got different wives, and they have a company together.That's what that sentence means.
Now there's just one important thing that you need to know, especially you native speakers out there.Important!
These pronouns don't take apostrophes, they don't take apostrophes at the end of the word, they don't take apostrophes like that before the "s", they just don't.
这些代词后面不加所有格符号,词尾不加所有格,在 "s" 前面不加所有格符号,就是不加。
So you need to be...you need to watch out for that.You could...you could make a terrible apostrophe mistake and you don't want to do that.
So yeah, we're done with apostrophes now.But especially with apostrophes, it's good to practice.
You've listened, you've got a general idea, but it's really good to practice this, so I urge you to go and do the quiz for this one.
Go to the engVid website, do the quiz, 10 questions.Try to get 10 out of 10.
去 EngVid 网站做一做小测验,总共十道题。尽量做到满分。
If you don't get 10 out of 10, come back and watch this video again in a couple of days, try again.
And if you like my video and my teaching, well, why not subscribe?
You can subscribe on my engVid channel and on my second channel; I've got two channels.
你可以订阅我的 EngVid 频道和我的第二频道,我有两个频道。
And yeah, that would be great.So until next time, yeah, see...see you later.Okay, bye.

  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v
  • singularadj. 个人的,单数的,独一的,唯一的,非凡的 n.
  • charitableadj. 仁慈的,(为)慈善事业的,宽恕的
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后
  • possessionn. 财产,所有,拥有
  • confusedadj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu
  • compoundn. 混合物,复合词 n. 院子(用围墙圈起来的场地)
  • confusionn. 混乱,混淆,不确定状态
  • delightfuladj. 令人愉快的,可喜的
  • channeln. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法 vt. 引导