日期:2017-09-02 17:13



Hello. How are you?Today, we're going to learn about getting around.
This means taking public transportation or talking about how you got somewhere or how you're going to go somewhere.
All of the examples I've written in the past tense because somebody might ask you, "How did you get here?"
"What? I flew because I have a magic carpet.That's how. Why?"
We have different ways of getting places.Verbs, you can say, "I took a 'bus', a 'train', a 'cab', or a 'taxi'."
我们有很多不同的方式描述去别的地方。动词,你可以用动词 "took" 来表示乘坐“公交车”、“火车”、“的士”或“出租车”。
"Cab" and "taxi" are the same.Or you can take a "plane".
“的士”和“出租车”是一样的。或者也可以用动词 "take" 表示乘坐“飞机”。


So with all of these nouns -- "plane", "cab", "taxi", "train", "bus" -- you're going to use the verb "took".
所以“飞机”、“的士”、“出租车”、“火车”、“公交车”这些名词都可以用动词 "took"。
There are no exceptions.You cannot say, "I rode a bus, I rode a train."It's wrong.
没有例外。不可以在“公交车”或“火车”前用动词 "rode"。那是错误的。
"Rode" means that you were on top of the bus or on the train doing some bus surfing, didn't happen.
"rode" 表示你在公交车或火车顶部,做公交车冲浪,不会出现这种情况。
I hear people say this a lot, "How did you get here?""I ride car."
"Wow. What were you doing on top of the car?"If you "ride" something, you're always on top of it.
“哇,你在汽车顶上干什么呢?”如果用 "ride" 来接名词,那你总是处于那个东西的顶部。
What can you...what can you ride?I can ride a bicycle.So "ride" literally means you're on top of something.
你们可以骑什么呢?我可以骑自行车。所以与字面意思相同,"ride" 表示在某物的顶部。
Tell me what you can ride.You can ride a bicycle, a motorcycle, a scooter, a moped.
If you're on top of it, you're riding it, a horse."I go by car."
如果你在它的顶部,那就可以用 "ride" 这个动词,还有可以骑马。“我通过汽车去。”
No, no, no, these, unfortunately, are wrong.We don't say, "I go by car" or "I ride car."
We say, very easily, past tense of the verb "drive": "drove"."How did you get here?""I drove."
我们说的非常简单,直接用 "drive" 这个动词的过去式 "drove"。“你怎么到这儿来的?”“我开车来的。”
You do not need to say, "I drove by car" because you're not driving a bus; you're not driving an airplane; you're not driving a train.
不用加上 "by car",因为你不会开着公交车过来,不会开飞机来,不会开火车来。
Very simply, you're going to say, "I drove."Another thing that I hear people say is, "I go by foot.""One foot? You have one foot?
你就非常简单地说 "I drove" 就可以了。我还听见有人说 "I go by foot"。“一只脚?你只有一只脚?
Did you hop here the whole time?You must be tired.You go by foot? Wow."Maybe you only have one foot, that's cool.
You should drive or take a bus.Another thing: "I walk on foot."
你应该开车或坐公交车。另一个说法:"I walk on foot"。
This means that you take your hands, and you literally put them underneath your feet and you walk.
If this is your foot, you walk on your hands.This is painful, I do not recommend this.I would not literally want to walk on my hands.
Please don't walk on your feet.Do not walk on your hands.
请不要用 "walk on feet"。不要走在你的手上。
"I walk on your foot" would be, "I'm sorry", walk on hands, walk on feet.
"I walk on your foot" 的意思是我踩到了你的脚,走在手上,走在脚上。
You'd be stepping on your feet, and you would never get anywhere.You just want to say, "I walked."
你这样会踩在自己的脚上,哪儿也去不了。你只要说 "I walked" (我走路来的)就可以了。
"How did you get here today, Ronnie?""I walked."
Another thing that's really confusing in English, and I understand why, is when to use the phrasal verb "got on" or "got off", and when to say "got in" or "got out".
英语中另一处让人很困惑的地方是什么时候使用 "got on" 或 "got off",以及什么时候使用 "got in" 或 "got out",我理解大家为什么会感到困惑。
So as an example, we would say, "I got off the train."Let's write that down.
举个例子,我们说下火车时会用 "I got off the train."。我们把它写下来。
Or you can say, "I got on the train."Also, we use this with a bus.
或者上火车时可以说 "I got on the train."。表示上下公交车时也可以用这个。
So you can say, "I got on the bus" and "I got off the bus."
所以上公交车时可以说 "I got on the bus",下公交车时可以说 "I got off the bus"。
You don't need to use extra words like, you don't want to say, "I got off on the bus."
不需要额外加上别的词,比如不要额外加个 "on"。
You don't want to say, "I got the train off."Unnecessary, please do not use extra words when you say this.
不要说 "I got the train off"。没有必要,在表达这种意思时请不要使用额外的词。
You're just going to say, "I got on", the verb...the noun.Or "I got off", the noun."Train", "bus", and the "plane", or an "airplane".
你只要说 "I got on" 加上名词。或者用 "I got off" 加名词。后面的名词可以是“火车”、“巴士”或“飞机”。
So think about this: What does...or what do trains, buses, and airplanes have in common?
No? Nothing? No? Okay.A train, a bus, or an airplane has many people.You can think of it as something that is public or very large.
So a train, a bus, or an airplane, you have to pay.It's really big, and you can fit many people on it.
So you're going to get on or get off something that is very big.You're going to get off something that's very big.
所以上下某个非常大的交通工具时要用 "get on" 或 "get off"。从某个很大的交通工具上下来时要用 "get off"。
Or if it's public transportation, you can fit many people."In" and "out".So "I got in" or "I got out."
或者是能够装下很多人的公共交通工具。现在我们来讲 "in" 和 "out"。可以用 "got in" 或 "got out"。
You're going to say, "I got in the taxi."Or you can say, same word, "I got in the cab."Also, you can say, "I got in 'a', 'my', or 'the' car."
与之搭配的是出租车。或者也可以用的士,一样的意思。还有,可以在 "car" 前面加上 "a" 、"my"、"the"。
So what does a taxi and a car or a cab have in common?Do you know the answer?
They are private; there aren't a lot of people in your car or in your taxi; and they're small, which means they can't have as many people as on a train, a bus or an airplane.
So you're going to say, "I got in the taxi, and I came to school."Or "I got out of the taxi, and I went to the bar."
所以当你要表达“我坐出租车来的学校”时,要用 "got in"。或者表达“我下了出租车,去了酒吧”时,要用 "got out of"。
What about "subway"?What do you think?Do you think the subway is big and public, or do you think it's private and small?
It's big and public.So when you use "subway", you say "I got on" or "I got off the subway."
它是大型的公共交通工具。所以当你乘坐的是地铁时,你要用 "got on" 或 "got off"。
How do you get to work?How do you get to school?Do you drive? Do you walk? Do you bicycle?I bicycle, I love my bicycle.
As I told you before, when we use "bicycle", we ride it.So I can say, "I ride my bike", it's unnecessary to say "bicycle".
我之前跟你们说过,我们在使用自行车时,要用动词 "ride"。所以我可以说 "I ride my bike",没有必要说 "bicycle" 这个单词。
We can just say "bike".And the past tense, does anyone know the past tense of "ride"?
可以直接用 "bike" 来表示自行车。还有过去式,有人知道 "ride" 的过去式是什么吗?
It's a little strange, we'd say, "I rode.""I rode my bike here today."How did you get here today?Tell me.Bye.
这有点奇怪,它的过去式是 "rode"。“我今天骑自行车过来的。”你今天是怎么到这儿来的?告诉我。拜。

  • confusingadj. 使人困惑的,令人费解的 动词confuse的现
  • planeadj. 平的,与飞机有关的 n. 飞机,水平,水准,刨
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • recommendvt. 建议,推荐,劝告 vt. 使成为可取,使受欢迎
  • unnecessaryadj. 不必要的,多余的
  • transportationn. 运输,运输系统,运输工具