Welcome to English in a Minute!
A "plate" is a dish that you put your food on.
“plate”是我们用来装食物的盘子 。
Have a Lot on Your Plate
Hey, Anna. I'm having a party this weekend. You should come!
嘿,安娜 。我这周末要开一个聚会 。你来参加吧!
I wish I could. But my weekend is really busy.
我很想去 。可是我周末太忙了 。
I'm baking a wedding cake, writing my article, teaching two classes and - oh - my parents are visiting.
我要做一个结婚蛋糕、写文章、上两节课,而且,我爸妈要过来 。
Wow, you have a lot on your plate. I do.
哇哦,你可真是忙不过来了呀 。是的 。
To "have a lot on your plate" means that you are dealing with many responsibilities or problems at one time.
“have a lot on your plate”意思是说你要同时处理很多任务和问题 。
Imagine a plate being so full that it cannot fit any more food on it.
想象一个装满食物的盘子,它再也放不下任何东西了 。
Someone who has a lot on their plate is very busy, maybe too busy.
自顾不暇的人会很忙,或许非常忙 。
And taht's English in a Minute!