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President Trump has again threatened North Korea if the regime in Pyongyang thinks about attacking the United States, he said, things will happen to them like they never thought possible.
特朗普总统再次威胁了朝鲜,声称如果朝鲜政府试图攻击美国,那么将发生不可预料的事情 。
His defense secretary James Mattis said war would be catastrophic and assisted diplomacy was bearing fruit.
美国国防部长詹姆斯·马蒂斯说战争将带来毁灭性后果,协助外交手段小有成效 。
Modern slavery and human trafficking become so widespread.
现代奴隶制度和贩卖人口广泛存在 。
There are victims in every large town and city in Britain.
英国每个大型城镇和城市都有受害者 。
The UK's National Crime Agency says there likely to be tens of thousands of victims.
英国国家犯罪局称可能有成千上万的受害者 。
There were 111 arrests across the UK in May and June.
五月和六月期间,英国共有111名嫌犯被捕 。
Canada is investigating why at least one of its diplomats stationed in Cuba has needed treatment for hearing loss and headaches.
加拿大正在调查为什么其驻扎在古巴的外交官因听力丧失和头痛需要接受治疗 。
American diplomats in Havana have also experienced strange physical symptoms.
哈瓦那的美国外交官也遭受了奇怪的身体症状 。
US media suggest Cuban agents may have used a covert sonic device that causes hearing loss.
美媒认为古巴特工可能使用了隐蔽的导致听力丧失的声波设备 。