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German riot police and demonstrators have clashed in the city of Hamburg on the eve of the G20 summit.
G20峰会前夕,德国防暴警察和游行示威者在汉堡市发生了冲突 。
Police have used water cannon and pepper spray as massed protesters clad in black, threw bottles and stones and started several fires.
大量抗议者身穿黑衣,乱扔瓶子、石头,并且四处放火,警方动用了高压水枪和胡椒喷雾来阻止他们 。
At least 70 officers were injured.
至少有70名官员受伤 。
In a speech on his arrival in Europe, US President Donald Trump called on western civilization to stand united against what he called the menace of radical Islamist extremism.
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普抵达欧洲发表演讲时,呼吁西方文明团结一致,共同抵抗他所谓的激进伊斯兰教极端主义威胁 。
Trade, climate change and North Korea also expected to dominate the agenda at the summit.
贸易、气候变化和朝鲜问题可能占据此次峰会的主要讨论话题 。
Mexican authorities say 28 inmates have been killed in a fight in a prison on the coastal city of Acapulco.
墨西哥官方称28名犯人在沿海城市阿卡普尔科的监狱斗争中被杀 。
Three more were wounded.
另有三人受伤 。
Security officials in Guerrero state say the fight was between rival gangs.
格雷罗州的安保人员称此次斗争属于帮派竞争 。
Poloce says at least four prisoners were decapitated.
警方称至少有四名犯人被斩首 。