日期:2017-08-18 09:54



How many of you have ever texted your ex? Texted your ex? Anybody?
你们中有多少人曾经给前任发过短信 发短信给前任 有人发过吗
All right, usually it involves a little bit of a... You know.
好的 通常这会涉及一点 你懂得
A whole lot of that. Someone on instagram had a great idea.
就是全部那些事情 照片分享上某人的一个主意很棒
They have collected text conversations
And put together an account called "Texts from your ex."
都放在一起做成合辑 叫做 来自奇葩前任的短信
And they're hilarious. They make me very, very happy
它们非常搞笑 让我特别特别开心
That i'm married. Um, here... This is, uh--these are real.
还好我结婚了 呃 在这里 这个是 呃 这些都是真实的




So here's a few that they've posted. "I got us a kitten.
那么这里有些他们合辑里的短信 我给咱们弄来了一只小猫
"I was hoping you'd come back to me "And help me take care of her.
我一直期待着你会回到我身边 然后帮我一起照顾她
I named her delilah." "That's a picture from google."
我给她起名叫 戴丽拉 你那图是从谷歌复制的
"I'm not saying it's that exact kitten.
"It just looks like that. I haven't gotten it yet,
我是说这只长得跟她很像 猫 我还没弄来呢
But I picked it out already."
Here's another one. "I ruined the best thing
这还有一个 我毁掉了我生命中最
"In my life. I ran away from my best friend "and I'm paying for it dearly.
美好的事 我远离了我最好的朋友 而我也为此付出了沉重的代价
"I feel like i will never find someone like you,
"And this is entirely based on my insane mind.
"I feel empty and now you're gone. "Maybe forever. I'm freaking an idiot.
我觉得很空虚 现在你也离开了我 可能我永远都是这样了 我真是个极品奇葩大傻蛋
I don't know how to feel okay." "You can always try tinder."
我不知道怎么样才能感觉好过点 你随时都可以用tinder钓妹
Here's another one. "Peace." "Peace." "Bye." "Peace."
这还有一个 保重 保重 拜拜 保重
"I want the final word. Stop responding."
我想做说最后一句的人 别回复了
Here's the last one. "I still want you." "I know." "I love you."
这还有最后一个 我还想让你回来 我知道 我爱你
"It's your wedding day. You're drunk."
今天是你的婚礼 你喝醉了
To see more, go check out "Texts from my ex" On instagram.
想看更多 请去照片分享查看“ 奇葩前任的短信 ”
