日期:2017-08-24 07:22



So the other day I was hanging out with my nieces.
Well let's be honest, they were hanging out with me.
好吧我承认 是她们跟我一起玩
I'm the adult, I'm the grown up. They're however old they are.
我是成年人 我是大人 她们只是小屁孩儿
And so, they love to watch cartoons but whenever I'm around they complain like why do we have to watch Finding Dory again?
所以她们喜欢看动画片 但每次有我在场的时候她们都会抱怨为什么我们又得看《海底总动员2:寻找多莉》呀?
And I'm like cuz Auntie Ellen is in it and they say can we watch something else?
我就说因为你们姨妈艾伦出演了这部电影啊 她们就会说我们能不能看点别的?
And I'm like okay, I'll put in Finding Nemo so.
我就说好的 那就看《海底总动员1》吧
After we watched that twice they wanted to see some other shows,
and so I said okay, let's watch some of your shows, and as an adult you look at things a little differently.
我就说好啊 那来看点你们喜欢看的节目吧 作为成年人 你的思维会不太一样




They love Dora the Explorer, you know that, and I don't get it, they call her explorer, but she's lost, isn't she lost?
你们懂的 她们喜欢《爱探险的朵拉》 我就不明白了 她明明叫探险家可是她却迷路了 不是吗?
She's always asking for directions, use the GPS on your phone like everybody else does.
她总是在问方向 拜托能不能像其他人一样利用你手机上的GPS呀
Then they love Yo Gabba Gabba. You know that? It's very popular show.
她们还喜欢《嘎巴宝宝》听说过吗 它是很受欢迎的节目
I don't know if you've seen it, but it's great if you want your kids to experience a rave. That's what-
不知道你们有没有看过 如果你想让你的孩子学会咆哮的话那可真是一部好剧 那就是
That's what that seems to be. So I introduced them to some older kid shows that I used to enjoy,
它看起来就是这样的 所以我跟她们推荐了一些我以前比较喜欢的儿童节目
and again if you look at things as an adult, you see them differently.
可是当你作为成年人来看时 你的角度又不一样了
Like Winnie the Pooh, that show seemed very innocent, but now watching again, I have concerns.
比如说《小熊维尼》 这部剧看起来好像很单纯 但是再看一下 我就开始担心了
Let's just look past the fact that Pooh doesn't wear pants, okay? Let's just- Just a top.
我们暂且先忽略Pooh没有穿裤子的事实吧 是吧 我们就来看——它只穿了上衣
And then the donkey, Eeyore, is just signs of severe depression, really.
我们就看驴子Eeyore吧 它就是活生生的重度抑郁症患者呀 真的
Just a complete downer. If this were a cartoon that was on, there would be a psychiatrist character that would be.
极度消极 如果有一部动画片在上映的话 那应该有一个精神病医生的角色
Every time he's on screen, I think I'm watching a commercial for Paxil, you know?
每次他出现在屏幕上的时候 我都感觉像是在看帕罗西汀(抗抑郁药物)的广告
Just, are you sad? Then I put on Sesame Street, and that's supposed to be educational,
就像 你难过吗?然后来看《芝麻街》 这是一个教育类的节目
but Cookie Monster has the worst grammar I've ever heard.
Me want cookie, me want to be good example.
我吃想饼干 我成为想一个好榜样
And then we turned on the Jetsons and now looking at that, I used to love that show.
然后我们又放了《杰森一家》 来看看 我以前还挺喜欢这节目的
But we're now in the future and I realize nothing from that show has actually happened.
可是我们已经生活在未来了 我发现那部剧里的任何东西都没有实现
We don't have flying cars or robot maids.
We don't have a button that we can push for food, but we do have the Domino's pizza tracker, I'd rather have that anyway.
也没有一按就出来食物的按钮 不过我们倒是有达美乐的比萨催客 那倒是不错
So that's fine. Anyway, we ended up watching Finding Dory again, and that never gets old for me, just like dancing.
所以没关系 总之 我们最后还是看了《海底总动员2:寻找多莉》 对我来说 它永远不会过时 就像跳舞一样
