日期:2017-08-12 14:20



You're a pretty big deal. Congratulations on all your success.
你真是大红大紫啊 祝贺你如此成功
I'm a big deal? Are you kidding? Oh, my God.
我大红大紫 你逗我呢吧 我的天
Yeah. This is, like, "I'm alive right now."
是啊 这简直 就像 我现在好热血沸腾啊
This is crazy. Thank you so much for having me.
好疯狂啊 非常感谢你邀请我来
Of course. Thank you for being here. And you flew your mom in. Hi, Mom.
当然了 也谢谢你过来作客 你带你妈妈一起来的吧 妈妈好啊
She's here, yeah. Hi, Mom. Hi. Your mom--what's her name? Jackie?
对 她在这里 嗨老妈 你好 你妈妈 她叫什么名字 杰基吗
Queen Jackie, yeah. Queen Jackie. Queen Jackie.
是的 杰基母后 杰基母后 杰基母后
What an amazing young man, right? You must be so proud of him.
真是个不可思议的年轻人 对吧 你肯定特别以他为傲吧
I am. Words can't even explain it.
我 恩 语言很难形容得出来
You know, when you're a parent, you always think,
就是 当你为人父母时 你总是会想
"Am I doing the right thing?"
And looking up there, it's just amazing to me.
现在看看他 对我来说真的很惊喜
You did the right thing. He's doing-- He's making a lot of good change.
你没做错 生下他是正确的事 他做的 他让世界变得更好了
So for people who don't know what you do on the internet--
那么 为那些不知道你在网上 干嘛的人 科普一下
yes, if you don't know what he does--
恩 如果你不认识他 不知道他的所作所为




It's what a lot of people do, but you're very successful at it.
现在有很多网络红人 而你就是其中非常成功的一位
Just tell everyone what you're doing. So I talk about my life just on YouTube.
告诉大家 你在做什么吧 恩 我在油管上谈论自己的人生
So I've been making videos for eight years now,
and I talk about pop culture. I talk about everything that's going on in my life.
我还会谈论流行文化 我谈论自己生活中的一切事情
I do collaborations with other Youtubers,
and some celebrities, and I just like to have a diary.
一起合作 这就像我的一个日记本
And now, eight years later, I do it for a job.
现在 八年之后 这成了我的工作
Why do you think people are flocking to you and you're so successful?
为什么你觉得大家会追随你呢 你又为什么这么成功
I think people just want to watch people
我觉得 大家只是想看到普通人的
live their authentic lives, and share the good and the bad,
真实生活 分享所有的美好的还有糟糕的事
and kind of show that maybe you can have fun and still be a positive influence maybe,
而分享我的生活 可能也能让别人获得快乐 而且可以作为一个正能量的存在
or have a good impact, or do good, an it can still be entertaining.
或者鼓励别人 或者做些美好的事 同时也能让大家娱乐一下
You don't have to be sassy or negative.
你不必失落悲观 也不必粗鲁不堪
You can just kind of have fun and be yourself, and that's enough.
你只要做你自己 开心得玩 那就够了
Without being mean, yeah. Yeah.
抛开尖酸刻薄 是吗 是的
I feel like it's the luckiest job in the world I feel.
Yeah. And you put out videos and you influenced
是啊 你上传视频 你还影响了一个
one very famous person, which must have felt amazing to you. Yeah.
非常出名的人 你肯定会觉得很不可思议 是的
So back in, like, 2008, I made a video about the importance of being authentic to yourself,
所以追溯到2008年 我做了一个视频 有关诚实面对自己 做真实自我的重要性
and about coming out, and how you should wait till you're ready and things like that.
还有关于出柜的事 在你准备好之前 你应该怎么等待出柜这样的事情
And a few years later, I got a tweet one morning on National Coming Out Day.
几年之后 有天早上我收到一条推特 那天成了国家出柜日
And it was from Ricky Martin.
那条推特是瑞奇 马丁发的
And he said that that video was a part of the reason why he felt ready to share his story.
他说 那个视频是他决定 分享自己故事的原因之一
And it was like one of those things where I was, like, "Oh, my God."
而这样的事情就让我觉得 好惊讶 我的神啊
Like, I used to watch "TRL" and, like, have a crush on him.
因为 我以前经常看TRL 还对他有点心动来着
Yeah. And, so, I was, like--
是哦 然后 我就
It was, like, you never-I just never thought that I-- that would happen. That's amazing.
就是 恩 你从没 我只是从没想过 他居然给我发推 真是太棒了
Yeah. That's amazing that you had impact on Ricky Martin. Yeah.
嗯嗯 真是出乎意料哈 你居然影响到了里奇 马丁
And now you've interviewed-you went to the White House.
现在 你做采访 还去过白宫
You interviewed One Direction, the First Lady.
你采访过单向乐队(小破团) 还有第一夫人
Mm-hmm. What was it like at the White House?
嗯 是啊 在白宫里 是什么感觉呢
We had a meeting of maybe ten of us YouTubers meeting with the President.
我们所有的油管播主中差不多有十个人 跟总统有一次会面
And it was just us talking about using the internet to connect with young people.
会面就是谈论我们怎样用互联网 跟年轻人群交流和联系
And it was, like, one of those moments, like, you never dream it'll happen.
然后 就是 感觉生命中的某个时刻 就你绝对没想过你会跟总统会面
And then--I was so shy during the whole time because I was, like, "Oh, my God.
然后 我整个会面过程都很腼腆害羞 因为我 想着 天啦
That's the President." And I was, like, just, oh, my God, bewildered.
那是国家总统唉 我就 恩 我的老天呐 一脸懵逼
And he was, like, "Do you want to come and see the office?"
而总统就说 你想来看看我的办公室吗
And so we--and apparently he doesn't bring that many people in there,
于是我们 很明显他不怎么带人去那个地方的
so he was giving us a tour of his office,
然后 他带着我们逛了下他的办公室
and he was telling us about his desk.
And there was, like, a moment of silence
当时 大家都没说话
where I was, like, "Okay. Nobody's saying anything.
我就想 好的 没人说话
"This is my chance to, like, make an impact and say something he'll remember."
这是我的机会 给总统留个好印象 我说话了 他就会记住我了
And I was, like, "Cute desk." So you make-you make videos
我就说 桌子挺可爱的 既然你拍视频
A lot of people watch your videos.
And so I thought that I would give you something so the next time you shoot a video,
那我就想送你个东西 下次你拍视频
I want you to shoot it with this. Oh, my God. Oh, that's perfect.
我希望你能用上它 我的天呢 天 太完美了
