日期:2017-08-08 14:12



You know sometimes I talk about product. Yeah sometimes I talk about product.
你知道 有时候 我会讨论一些 你知道 有时候 我会讨论一些产品
And it's good thing, in sometimes it's not so goo..em..good at all.
这是件好事 不过有的时候 一点都不好
I got in trouble..em..recently..em.. Because of..Well, today I got in touble.
我最近就遇到了些麻烦 因为 额 今天我就遇到麻烦了
I did a fake commercial for..em..the iphone and
Em..I show it yesterday, but em...This is..this is what I did.
昨天我展示给你们看了 不过 额 这就是我所做的事
With the ipone, I can do all kinds things. I can text. Em..hold on.
有了iPhone 我能做各种各样的事情 我可以发短信 额 等等
Not this..no..please hold on, that's not..
不是这个 不 稍等 这不是……




You can do so much with this stuff though. So good.
不过你用这手机能做好多的事情 真棒
Here. Ok. Here we go. B... Is that 'V'? I should have my glasses on.
点这里 好了 开始吧 B…… 这是V吗 我应该把眼镜戴上
Ok. Wait. huh... My fingers are so... much stiffer than I...remembered.
好了 等会 啊 我的手指真是 比我记忆里僵硬了许多
Oop..I didn't mean to send that. Ok..hah..That's not what I want to send.
啊 我没打算发这个的 好 哈哈 我没想发这个
I have to say, I didn't mean to send that... Just a minute..Oh..
我不得不说 我不是故意的 稍等一会 噢
Oh, no...Oh good.I got something. I think I...
噢 不 可以了 我收到回复了 我想我……
Can you help me with this? So... It's funny, right? Yeah.
你能帮帮忙吗 所以…… 很好玩 对吧 确实很好玩
I thoght it was funny if all you people thought it was funny.
如果你们觉得很好玩 我觉得很有意思
Now who didn't think it's funny?
Yeah, people work at apple then think it isn't so funny.
是的 在苹果工作的人不这么认为
They thought that I..I made look like it hard to use,
他们可能觉得 我操作苹果看起来很费劲
and em... I just wanna say that I'm sorry
额 我就想说抱歉
If I make look like the iphone is hard to use..
It's not hard to use..I have an iphone, Portia has an iphone.
没这么难 我有一个iPhone Portia也有一个iPhone
Em...I just learn how to text on an iphone.
嗯 我刚学会怎么用iPhone发短信
It's the only phone that I can text on... And I..I love it. I love my ipad.
这是我能用来发短信的唯一一个手机 我很喜欢 我也喜欢我的ipad
I love my ipod. Em... I love ihop... If you have anything to do with that...
我喜欢的ipod 额…… 我还喜欢ihop 如果你ihop有什么渊源的话
So everybody at apple Steve Jobs..em.. Mr.Macintosh..em..em..
所有在苹果工作的人 史蒂夫 乔布斯 额 苹果电脑 额……额……
I apologize...I'm sorry. I love this stuff.
我道歉 抱歉 抱歉 我很喜欢这些产品
