And the main concept that came out at that time, through the research of these psychologists who started to ask the positive question.
那时候出现的主要概念 通过这些心理学家的研究 正是他们开始问积极的问题
Started to focus on what is working on the successful children. The concept that came out was the concept of resilience.
开始专注于研究成功的孩子们 那时出现的概念是心理弹性 现在大家都在谈心理弹性
Now today everyone talks about resilience. We talk about resilience in school, at work, in the job, in the bedroom. Everywhere resilience.
我们在学校谈心理弹性 在工作上谈 在卧室里谈 在哪里都谈心理弹性
However, at that time in the 1980s, very few people even talked about or knew what that means. When they studied resilience, which is defined as following.
然而 在20世纪80年代 很少人谈及甚至很少人知道它的意思 研究心理弹性的时候 它被定义如下
It made all the difference. Resilience, a class of phenomena characterized by patterns of positive.
它的定义关系重大 心理弹性 一种现象 特征是积极适应的模式
Adaptation in the context of significant adversity or risk. These kids, who succeeded ended up succeeding, and they look through longitudinal studies.
即使是面对非常不利或危险的环境 这些成功的孩子最终成功了 这是通过纵向研究得出的结论
5 years later, 10 years, 30 years later, the kids who succeeded, were resilient. Initially, when they studied these kids.
五年后 十年后 三十年后 这些成功的孩子都具有适应力 一开始 当他们研究这些孩子时
The assumption was these must be super kids, extraordinary kids, one in a hundred, one in a thousand- not really replicable, therefore.
他们认为这些孩子一定很优秀 百里挑一甚至千里挑一 因此是不可以模仿的
However, what they found when they continued to study those people who work, those people who succeeded.
然而 当他们继续研究 这些成功的人时 继续研究虽然环境不理想