日期:2011-08-18 07:41
/w/ /v/
west /west/ vest /vest/
wine /wain/ vine /vain/
while /wail/ vile /vail/
wear away share weal and woe Twelve twins
walk away wait for wine wake the waiter
William wished to work his way through college as a dishwasher.
Willy wondered where the white woman went.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Everywhere everyone works very well.
Did you buy that wax at the hardware store?
west /west/ vest /vest/
wine /wain/ vine /vain/
while /wail/ vile /vail/
wear away share weal and woe Twelve twins
walk away wait for wine wake the waiter
William wished to work his way through college as a dishwasher.
Willy wondered where the white woman went.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Everywhere everyone works very well.
Did you buy that wax at the hardware store?