日期:2011-08-01 07:39
ear, eer, ere—ear, dear, deer, here
eir, ier—weird, fierce
ea, io, eu, eo—idea, million, museum, theory
/iə/ /il/
hear /hiə/ hill /hil/
fear /fiə/ fill /fil/
peer /piə/ pill / pil/
near /niə/ nill /nil/
a clear idea hear my idea a dear Young Pioneer
here and there near the hero’s ear easier and easier
The atmosphere here is very clear.
His beard has nearly disappeared into his beer.
It’s a good idea to have some beer here, dear.
It’s a clear that the man with a heavy beard is from Korea.
A man can’t hear without his ears.
Cheers! Here’s to the bearded mountaineer.
Come nearer and sit here.
Mr. Lear will be here this year.