u—put, Muslim
o—bosom, woman
oo—good, book
ou—could, should
oo—food, spoon
o—move, who
ou —group, through
u —rude, Susan
ew, ue, ui, oe— chew, blue, juice, shoe
Words, phrases and sentences:
/u/ /u:/
full /ful/ fool /fu:l/
could /kud/ cooed /ku:d/
groom /grum/ grume /gru:m/
/u:/ /ɔ:/
tool /tu:l/ tall /tɔ:l/
boot /bu:t/ bought /bɔ:t/
moon /mu:n/ morn /mɔ:n/
a good cook took the book pull and pull
food and soup fruit pudding shoes and boots
Put the firewood by the bushes.
The cook under stood the sugar was no good.
You may use the blue boots and don't move the new shoes.
As a rule, Sue is foolish and stupid at school.