日期:2011-07-29 08:11
ou, ow—out, house, fountain, town, allow
Words, phrases and sentences:
/au/ /ɔ:/
loud /laud/ lord /lɔ:d/
down /daun/ dawn /dɔ:n/
now /nau/ nor /nɔ:/
cow /kau/ core /kɔ:/
/əu/ /au/
know /nəu/ now /nau/
oat /əut/ out /aut/
tone /təun/ town /taun/
load /ləud/ loud /laud/
coat /kəut/ doubt /daut/
round the house crowds before the house south of the town
brown houses shouts of the crowds aloud sound
No doubt he heard the loud shouts of the crowd.
Now I have no doubt he can pronounce the word “amount”.
Mr. Brown lives in a round house near the town.
“Mouse”, “mound” and “mouth” are nouns.