日期:2010-10-26 11:34


[00:07.36]Listen and Share
[00:21.80]take with a grain of salt
[00:27.32]take with a grain of salt
[00:29.74]accept or believe only part of something
[00:39.26]You should take everything that he says with a grain of salt
[00:43.08]as everyone knows that he likes to exaggerate things when he is speaking.
[01:03.43]upset the applecart
[01:08.88]upset the applecart
[01:11.30]ruin a plan or event by surprise or accident
[01:21.55]Everything was going well at the company until he came along
[01:25.40]and upset the apple cart.
[01:40.98]worth one's salt
[01:45.59]worth one's salt
[02:02.28]worth one's salt
[02:04.46]being a good worker, worth what one is paid 人称其职,是值得雇佣的
[02:14.02]He has only been working here for a month
[02:16.78]but over and over he has proved that he is worth his salt.

  • ruinv. 毁灭,毁坏,破产 n. 毁灭,崩溃,废墟
  • cartn. 手推车,(二轮)载货车 v. (用手推车)运送,(
  • upsetadj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的 v. 推翻,翻倒,扰乱
  • exaggeratev. 夸大,夸张