赖世雄中级美国英语 Lesson 24:Just Like a Woman
日期:2006-03-02 22:08


24. Just Like a Woman

Jenny and Andy are having a cup of coffee at a café.
J: Hey, Andy. Did you feel that earthquake yesterday?
A: Sure. I was at work. Some of the women in the office felt dizzy and screamed.
J: You know, the ground shook so violently that I was terrified.
A: That sounds just like how a woman would feel.
J: I guess we women should be brave like you, Huh?
A: Of course! (Jenny shakes the table with her leg.) Aaagh! Earthquake! Help! (He gets under the table.)
J: Look at you ___I was just playing. You're worse than a woman. You even sounded worse than the women at
the office.
A: Uh… I knew it was just a joke. I was only trying to scare you.
J: Ha! I bet!

cowardly adj. coward n.
womanly adj.女人味 manly motherly fatherly
My teacher, Mr.Brown, is very fatherly, so we all like him.
sb come to n./V-ing 一谈到
hi: greeting hey: paying attention to sb
be at work 在上班
I just blew my nose. 擤鼻涕
handkerchief 手帕
Poor Bruce is always at work, but lucky Peter is usually at rest.
hardworking 努力的
some of my ... 不对:some + n.
dizzy 头晕的,恶心的
When he was young, he was free of his father.
TV-violence 抽象词
The teacher punished Sam after he played a joke on her.
I am scared of / terrified of / frightened of

  • frightenedadj. 受惊的,受恐吓的
  • cowardn. 懦夫 adj. 胆小的 Coward n. 科沃德
  • violentlyadv. 猛烈地,激烈地,极端地
  • cowardlyadj. 懦弱的,卑怯的,胆小的 adv. 懦弱地,卑怯
  • earthquaken. 地震