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爵士:D Sound - Green Eyes
日期:2009-05-22 07:16



歌曲Green Eyes

艺人: D'Sound


所属专辑: My Today

发行年代: 2006

风格: Jazz

相关介绍: D'Sound的三位团员虽然都来自挪威,不过始自美国。贝斯手Johnny Sjo和鼓手Kim Ofstad由於都在美国柏克莱音乐学院进修因而结识,两人决定共组团体,不过这个梦想还是得等到他们1993年回到了挪威,经友人介绍而认识了当时刚离开挪威知名团体The Dingleberries的主唱Simone Larsen之后才得以实现。三人初组的团体叫做Sweet’N’Sour,原本是以演绎其他英美艺人的地下摇滚歌曲为主,后来乐团渐渐加入越来越多的自创作品,曲风也从摇滚往外延伸扩及灵魂、R&B、流行、Acid Jazz…等等各种层面。


Song:Green Eyes

Green eyes Her we are, as close as we can get We’re in too deep, it cannot be forgotten It is more than curiousity Your embrace did amaze me from the very start Get closer til I hear the rhythm of your heart You make a hard attack No matter where, you get always in my hair And in your lap lies paradise It’s not a matter of resisting It’s just a matter of existing with green eyes This lust is a hell-machine Devils voice and gasoline And I want you more than anything This lust is a hell-machine Get upset when I’m breathing in your feromones This desire is a curse and I want it more and more It’s all I’m living for When I dream it’s of you About your lips and hands When I wake it’s a punishement I know that I deserve It’s tearing on my nerves No matter where, you get always in my hair And in your lap lies par
  • embracev. 拥抱,包含,包围,接受,信奉 n. 拥抱
  • cursen. 诅咒,咒骂,祸端 vt. 咒骂,诅咒,使受罪 vi
  • rhythmn. 节奏,韵律,格律,节拍
  • gasolinen. 汽油
  • upsetadj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的 v. 推翻,翻倒,扰乱
  • deservevi. 应该得到 vt. 应受,值得