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爵士:Diana Krall - Too Marvelous For Words
日期:2015-03-21 10:01


歌曲Too Marvelous For Words

艺人:Diana Krall


所属专辑:Glad Rag Doll



相关介绍: 戴安娜·克瑞儿 (Diana Krall) 的爵士乐极具魅力,虽然没有那种尝新求变的乐风,但她了解音乐最重要的本质来自旋律。当她用心去诠释、去感觉爵士乐时,会让人情不自禁地爱上这种浮世情怀的味道。她的演出没有太多的肢体语言,更不是那种惊世骇俗的绝世美女,但是当戴安娜·克瑞儿 (Diana Krall) 的指尖触及琴键时,天鹅绒般的琴音总会让人凝神静听;当她的嗓子倾吐音符时,很自然地便能掳获人心。她浑厚却不低沉、温暖而不粘腻的嗓音,加上绝佳的演唱功夫、一流的钢琴弹奏技巧,非常能够表现出爵士乐的精髓所在。


Song:Too Marvelous For Words
Artist:Diana Krall

You're just too marvelous, too marvelous for words
Like "glorious", "glamorous" and that old standby "amorous".
It's all too wonderful, I'll never find the words
That say enough, tell enough, I mean they just aren't swell enough.
You're much too much, and just too "very, very"
To ever be in Webster's Dictionary.
And so I'm borrowing a love song from the birds
To tell you that you're marvelous - too marvelous for words.
You're much - you're too much - and just too "very, very"
To ever be, to ever be in Webster's Dictionary.
And so I'm borrowing a love song from the birds
To tell you that you're marvelous;
Tell you that you're marvelous;
Tell you that you're marvelous - too marvelous for words.


