月亮和六便士(MP3+中英字幕) 第二十五章(6)
日期:2017-09-01 16:54


I was a little impatient with her; I had not suspected that she was so neurotic a woman. Then I heard Stroeve's voice again. It seemed to break oddly on the silence.
Haven't you been in bitter distress once when a helping hand was held out to you? You know how much it means. Couldn't you like to do someone a good turn when you have the chance?
The words were ordinary enough, and to my mind there was in them something so hortatory that I almost smiled. I was astonished at the effect they had on Blanche Stroeve. She started a little, and gave her husband a long look. His eyes were fixed on the ground. I did not know why he seemed embarrassed. A faint colour came into her cheeks, and then her face became white—more than white, ghastly; you felt that the blood had shrunk away from the whole surface of her body; and even her hands were pale. A shiver passed through her. The silence of the studio seemed to gather body, so that it became an almost palpable presence. I was bewildered.
Bring Strickland here, Dirk. I'll do my best for him.
My precious, he smiled.
He wanted to take her in his arms, but she avoided him.
Don't be affectionate before strangers, Dirk, she said. "It makes me feel such a fool."
Her manner was quite normal again, and no one could have told that so shortly before she had been shaken by such a great emotion.

  • astonishedadj. 惊讶的 动词astonish的过去式和过去分词
  • distressn. 痛苦,苦恼,不幸 vt. 使痛苦,使苦恼 a
  • palpableadj. 易觉察的,明显的
  • shivervt. 颤动(碎裂) n. 冷颤(碎块)
  • preciousadj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的 adv. 极其地
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • faintn. 昏厥,昏倒 adj. 微弱的,无力的,模糊的 v.
  • impatientadj. 不耐烦的,急躁的
  • presencen. 出席,到场,存在 n. 仪态,风度
  • embarrassedadj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的