1.Did she accept his research proposal?
A.invitation B.plan C.offer D.view
2.She only needs a minute amount of money.
A.certain B.fair C.full D.small
3.Keep your passport in a secure place.
A.special B.good C.safe D.different
4.The story was published with the sole purpose of selling newspapers.
A.real B.main C.only D.practical
5.We had trouble finding a pure water supply.
A.typical B.complete C.clean D.clear
6.He kept in constant contact with his family while he was in Australia.
A.gradual B.regular C.direst D.occasional
7.“What do you mean by that?” Paul asked sharply.
A.critically B.helplessly C.politely D.quickly
8.On the table was a vase filled with artificial flowers.
A.wild B.fresh C.lovely D.false
9.The storm caused severe damage.
A.physical B.accidental C.serious D.environmental
10.The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.
A.hate B.need C.love D.Pity
11.I’d like to withdraw £500 from my current account.
A.leave B.pay C.put D.draw
12.A large crowd assembled outside the American embassy.
A.gathered B.watched C.shouted D.walked
13.He inspired many young people to take up the sport.
A.encouraged B.allowed C.called D.advised
14.Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early.
A.selected B.operated C.developed D.discovered
15.The city centre was wiped out by the bomb.
A.covered B.destroyed C.reduced D.moved
Eastern Quakes Can Trigger Big Shakes
In the first week of November 2011, people in central Oklahoma experienced more than two dozen earthquakes. The largest, a magnitude 5.6 quake, shook thousands of fans in a college football stadium, caused cracks in a few buildings and rattled the nerves of many people who had never felt a quake before. Oklahoma is not an area of the country famous for its quakes. If you watch the news on TV, you see reports about all sorts of natural disasters —hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and wildfires, to name a few. But the most dangerous type of natural disaster, and also the most unpredictable, is the earthquake.
Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey estimate that several million earthquakes rattle the globe each year. That may sound scary, but people don’t feel many of the tremors because they happen in remote and unpopulated regions. Many quakes happen under the ocean, and others have a very small magnitude, or shaking intensity.
A magnitude 5.8 earthquake that struck central Virginia the afternoon of August 23, 2011, was felt from central Georgia to southeastern Canada. In many urban areas, including Washington, D.C., and New York City (Wall Street shown), people crowded the streets while engineers inspected buildings.
Scientists know about small, remote quakes only because of very sensitive electronic devices called seismometers. These devices detect and measure the size of ground vibrations produced by earthquakes. Altogether, USGS researchers use seismometers to identify and locate about 20,000 earthquakes each year.
Although earthquakes can happen anywhere in the world, really big quakes occur only in certain areas. The largest ones register a magnitude 8 or higher and happen, on average, only once each year. Such big ones typically occur along the edges of Earth’s tectonic plates.
Tectonic plates are huge pieces of Earth’s crust, sometimes many kilometers thick. These plates cover our planet’s surface like a jigsaw puzzle. Often, jagged edges of these plates temporarily lock together. When plates jostle and scrape past each other earthquakes occur. On average, tectonic plates move very slowly — about the same speed as your fingernails grow.
But sometimes earthquakes rumble through portions of the landscape far from a plate’s edges. Although less expected, these “mid-plate” tremors can do substantial damage. Some of the biggest known examples rattled the eastern half of the United States two centuries ago. Today, scientists are still puzzling over why the quakes occurred and when similar ones might occur.
16.Oklahoma is an area often experiencing natural disasters.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
17.The earthquake is the most unpredictable natural disaster.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
18.Few earthquakes happen without people’s awareness.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
19.Seismometers can identify and locate most of the earthquakes in China.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
20.Big earthquakes of a magnitude 8 or higher seldom happen far from the edges of tectonic plates.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
21.Whenever tectonic plates move, earthquakes happen.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
22.The earthquake that hit the eastern half of the United States two centuries ago is the biggest “mid-plate” one in history.
A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned
下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23 ~ 26题要求从所给的6个选项中为指定段落每段选择1个小标题;(2)第27 ~ 30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。
Learn about Light
1 Ancient civilizations were amazed by the existence of light for thousands of years. The Greek philosophers believed that light was made up of countless, tiny particles that enter the human eye and create what we call vision. However, Empedocles and a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens believed that light was like a wave. According to them, light spread out and travelled like a straight line. This theory was accepted during the 19th century.
2 In 1905, Albert Einstein published a research paper in which he explained what is referred to as the photoelectric effect. This theory explains that particles make up light. The particles Einstein was referring to are weightless bundles(束)of electromagnetic(电磁)energy called photons(光子). Today, scientists agree that light has a dual(二重)nature — it is part particle and part wave. It is a form of energy that allows us to see things around us.
3 Things that give off light are known as sources of light. During the day, the primary source of light is the sun. Other sources of light include stars, flames, flashlights, street lamps and glowing gases in glass tube.
4 When we draw the way light travels we always use straight lines. This is because normally light rays travel in a straight line. However, there are some instances that can change the path and even the nature of light. They are reflection, absorption, interference(干扰), etc.
5 Physicists have attempted to measure the speed of light since the early times. In 1849, Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment by directing a beam of light to a mirror located kilometers away and placed a rotating cogwheel(旋转齿轮)between the beam and the mirror. From the rate of rotation of the wheel, number of wheel’s teeth and distance of the mirror, he was able to calculate that the speed of light is 313 million meters per second. In a vacuum(真空), however, the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second. This is about a million times faster than the speed of an airplane.
23.Paragraph 2 ______
24.Paragraph 3 ______
25.Paragraph 4 ______
26.Paragraph 5 ______
A.How is the nature of light explained today?
B.What are sources of light?
C.How did physicists measure the speed of light?
D.How does light travel?
E.How did people think of light years ago?
F.What causes a shadow?
27.Objects are visible to the human eye as light is ________.
28.Stars, flames, flashlights are some examples of ________.
29.Some instances such as reflection and absorption can change ________.
30.Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment to measure ________.
A.sources of light
B.the speed of light
C.the path of light
D.a straight line
E.a beam of light
F.a form of energy
第一篇 Graphene’s Superstrength
Big technology comes in tiny packages. New cell phones and personal computers get smaller every year, which means these electronics require even smaller components on the inside. Engineers are looking for creative ways to build these components, and they’ve turned their eyes to graphene, a super-thin material, made of carbon, that could change the future of electronics.
This year’s Nobel Prize for Physics has been awarded to Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov from the University of Manchester, UK for the discovery of graphene. Graphene isn’t just small, it’s “the thinnest possible material in this world.” says Novoselov. He calls it a “wonder material.” It’s so thin that you would need to stack about 25,000 sheets just to make a pile as thick as a piece of ordinary white paper. If you were to hold a sheet of graphene in your fingers, you’d have no idea because you wouldn’t be able to see it.
Carbon is one of the most abundant elements in the universe. Every known kind of life contains carbon. Graphene is a sheet of carbon, but only one atom thick. You don’t have to look far to find graphene—it’s all around you.
If you want this high-tech wonder stuff, all you need is a pencil, paper and a little adhesive tape. Use the pencil to shade a small area on the paper, and then apply a small piece of adhesive tape over the area. When you pull up the tape, you’ll see that it pulls up a thin layer of some of the shading from your pencil. That layer is called graphite, one of the softest minerals in the world.
Now stick the same piece of tape on another sheet of paper and pull the tape up—there should be an even thinner layer, this time left on the paper. Now imagine that you do this over and over, until you get the thinnest possible layer of material on the paper. This layer would be only one atom thick, and you wouldn’t be able to see it. Graphite is made of layers of graphene. So when you get to the thinnest possible layer, you’ve found graphene.
31.What would change the future of electronics according to engineers?
A.Personal computer.
B.Big technology.
D.Creative ways.
32.Which of the following statements about graphene is true?
A.It is visible to the human eye.
B.It is possibly the thinnest material in the world.
C.It can be used to make paper.
D.Finding it demands time and money.
33.The word “apply” in paragraph 4 could be used to replace by?
34.What does the writer tell in the last two paragraphs?
A.An easy way to find graphene.
B.Significance of the discovery of graphene.
C.Development of high-tech wonders.
D.Possible applications of graphene.
35.Graphene’s super strength lies in the fact that________.
A.It is the thinnest material in the world.
B.It is made of the most abundant elements in the world.
C.It can help to make electronic components smaller.
D.It helps engineers to produce more sensitive electronic products.
第二篇 Puerto Rican Cuisine(菜肴)
Puerto Rico, a Caribbean(加勒比海区)island rich in history and remarkable natural beauty, has a cuisine all its own. Immigration(移民)to the island has helped to shape its cuisine, with people from all over the world making various contributions to it. However, before the arrival of these immigrants, the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico. Taino cuisine included such foods as rodents(啮齿动物), fresh shellfish and fish fried in corn oil.
Many aspects of Taino cuisine continue today in Puerto Rican cooking, but it has been heavily influenced by the Spanish, who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508, and Africans, who were initially brought to Puerto Rico to work as slaves. Taino cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought by the Spanish and Africans to create new dishes. The Spanish extended food choices by bringing cattle, pigs, goats, and sheep to the island. Africans also added to the island’s food culture by introducing powerful, contrasting tastes in dishes. In fact, much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous for - coffee, coconuts, and oranges - was actually imported by foreigners to the island.
A common assumption many people make about Puerto Rican food is that it is very spicy(辛辣的). It’s true that chili peppers are popular; aij caballero in particular is a very hot chili pepper that Puerto Ricans enjoy. However, milder(微辣的)tastes are popular too, such as sofrito. As the base of many Puerto Rican dishes, sofrito is a sauce made from chopped onions, green bell peppers, sweet chili peppers, and a handful of other spices. It is fried in oil and then added to other dishes.
36.Who lived in Puerto Rico first?
A.The Africans.
B.The Spanish.
C.The Americans.
D.The Taino people.
37.In the first paragraph the word “it” refers to _________.
B.Caribbean history
C.the island’s natural beauty
D.Puerto Rican cuisine
38.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.Taino dishes are important in Puerto Rican cooking.
B.Food imported by foreigners isn’t really Puerto Rican.
C.Puerto Rican cooking has many outside influences.
D.African foods have probably had the most influence.
39.How is sofrito used?
A.It is eaten before meals.
B.It is added to other dishes.
C.It is used where foods are too spicy.
D.It is eaten as a main dish.
40.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Softito is a type of extremely spicy food.
B.Many people think Puerto Rican food is spicy.
C.Puerto Rican cuisine uses a lot of chili peppers.
D.Aij caballero is a type of chile pepper.
第三篇 Archive Gallery: The Best of Bionics(仿生学)
Humans might be the most highly-evolved species on the planet, but most animals possess skills we can only dream of having. Imagine how much electricity we could save if we could see in the dark the way cats do. Imagine leaping from tree to tree like a monkey. Giraffes(长颈鹿), which are otherwise calm and good-natured, sleep only 4.6 hours a day.
We realized a long, long time ago that nature provides the best blueprint(蓝图)for invention. We’ve borrowed canals from beavers(河狸)and reflectors from cat’s eyes. Although the words “bionics” became popular only after the 1960s, history shows that nature has always provided ideas on solving everyday problems. Our archives(档案)don’t go back to the time of Leonardo da Vinci and his bird-like flying machines, but we can take you to the late 19th century, where we applied those same principles for building our first practical airplanes.
To prepare for their flight at Kitty Hawk, the Wright brothers studied the movements of pigeons to figure out how they stayed high up when they were heavier than air. Their success inspired scores of successors to improve on the airplane by studying various aspects of nature. One of Orville Wright’s pupils caught and stuffed seagulls to examine their wingspan. Meanwhile, two French inventors examined spinning sycamore(梧桐)seeds in an effort to apply those same motions, reversed, to a helicopter.
Some examples are more obvious than others. The outside of the airplane designed by the Wright brothers looks like a minimalistic(简单抽象艺术)structure. On the other hand, Barney Connett’s fish submarine(潜水艇)actually looks like a fish.
Some bio-inspired concepts have yet to be invented. In the 1960s, the US Army commissioned several university professors to conduct research on the motor skills of animals in hope of applying those same abilities to tanks. Tanks that run like horses or jump like grasshoppers(蚂蚱)--- sounds shocking, doesn’t it? But imagine how life would change if we could achieve that.
41.“Cats”, “monkeys” and “giraffes” mentioned in paragraph 1 are examples to illustrate________.
A.they are highly-evolved species as humans.
B.animals have skills that humans do not possess.
C.humans can learn animals’ skills.
D.they are skillful in different ways.
42.Which of the following can be found in the archive gallery?
A.First practical airplanes built in the late 19th century.
B.History books.
C.The Wright brothers’ sculpture.
D.Leonardo da Vinci’s bird-like flying machines.
43.What happened after the Wright brothers’ success?
A.People carried out a systematic study on pigeons.
B.People could fly their airplane for fun.
C.People kept their airplane at a French gallery.
D.People studied more animals and plants to develop the airplane.
44.Which of the following is true about the research carried out by the US Army?
A.It has changed our life.
B.It has cost a large sum of money.
C.It has improved the abilities of tanks.
D.It has not succeeded yet.
45.What does the writer want to tell in the passage?
A.Some animals possess unique skills.
B.Many inventions get ideas from nature.
C.People should protect nature.
D.Bionics is far from perfect.
Forests for Cities
You are standing in a beautiful forest in Japan. The air is clean and smells like plants and flowers. There are 175 different kinds of trees, and 60 kinds of birds live here. _______ (46) You are downtown in the city of Nara, Japan, in Kasugayama Forest, the oldest urban forest in the world. It was started more than a thousand years ago, and today it’s very popular with tourists and artists.
Cities around the world are working to protect their urban forests. Some urban forests are parks, and some are just streets with a lot of trees. But all urban forests have many good effects on the environment. _______ (47) They also stop the noise from heavy traffic. They even make the weather better because they make the air 3-5 degrees cooler, and they stop strong winds.
Urban forests also have many good effects on people. They make the city more beautiful. In a crowded area, they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature. _____ (48)
In some countries, people are starting new urban forests. In England, there are now 1.3 million trees in an urban forest called Thames Chase, east of London. It was started in 1990, and it has grown very fast. Walking and bicycle clubs use the forest, and there are programs for children and artists ____ (49)
Some older cities don’t have space for a big urban forest, but planting trees on the streets makes the city better. Scientists found that commuters(通勤人员)feel more relaxed when they can see trees. Trees are even good for business. _______ (50) In the future, urban forests will become even more important as our cities grow bigger. In the megacities(超大城市)of tomorrow, people will need more green space to live a comfortable life. Planting trees today will make our lives better in the future.
A.People spend more time at shopping centers that have trees.
B.In hot countries, urban forests are cool places for walking and other healthy exercises.
C.But you are not in rural area.
D.Trees take pollution out of the air.
E.In 2033, it will have 5 million trees.
F.It has many kinds of birds in the country.
Germs(细菌)on Banknotes
People in different countries use different types of money: yuan in China, pesos in Mexico, pounds in the United Kingdom, dollars in the United States, Australia and New Zealand. They may use different currencies, but these countries, and probably all countries, still have one thing in ______ (51): germs on the banknotes.
Scientists have been studying the germs on money for well over 100 years. At the turn of the 20th ______ (52), some researchers began to suspect that germs living on money could spread disease.
Most studies of germy money have looked at the germs on the currency ______ (53) one country. In a new study, Frank Vriesekoop and other researchers compared the germ populations found on bills of different ______ (54).
Vriesekoop is a microbiologist at the University of Ballarat in Australia. He led the study, which compared the germ populations found on money ______ (55) from 10 nations. The scientists studied 1,280 banknotes in total; all came from places where people buy food, like supermarkets, street vendors and cafes, ______ (56) those businesses often rely on cash.
Overall, the Australian dollars hosted the fewest live bacteria—no more than 10 per square centimeter. Chinese yuan had the ______ (57)—about 100 per square centimeter. Most of the germs on money probably would not cause harm.
What we call “paper money” ______ (58)isn’t made from paper. The U.S. dollar, for example, is printed on fabric that is mostly cotton. Different countries may use different ______ (59) to print their money. Some of the currencies studied by Vriesekoop and his team, such as the American dollar, were made from cotton. Others were made from polymers.
The three ______ (60) with the lowest numbers of bacteria were all printed on polymers. They included the Australian dollar, the New Zealand dollar and some Mexican pesos.
The ______ (61)currencies were printed on fabric made mostly of cotton. Fewer germs lived on the polymer notes. This ______ (62)suggests that germs have a harder time staying alive on polymer surfaces. Scientists need to do more studies to understand ______ (63)germs live on money---and whether or not we need to be concerned. Vriesekoop is now starting a study that will ______ (64) the amounts of time bacteria can stay alive on different types of bills.
Whatever Vriesekoop finds, the fact remains:Paper money ______ (65)germs. We should wash our hands after touching it; After all, you never know where your money’s been. Or what’s living on it.
51.A.doubt B.danger C.common D.advance
52.A.period B.year C.century D.decade
53.A.with B.within C.under D.outside
54.A.countries B.areas C.regions D.provinces
55.A.borrowed B.delivered C.designed D.gathered
56.A.because B.though C.so D.when
57.A.most B.smallest C.least D.latest
58.A.similarly B.hardly C.slightly D.usually
59.A.formats B.colors C.materials D.languages
60.A.cheques B.currencies C.tickets D.notebooks
61.A.some B.another C.others D.other
62.A.connection B.participation C.expression D.estimation
63.A.if B.where C.how D.when
64.A.complete B.compare C.cancel D.command
65.A.avoids B.kills C.carries D.selects
1 B 2 D 3 C 4 C 5 C
6 B 7 A 8 D 9 C 10 A
11 D 12 A 13 A 14 D 15 B
16 B 17 A 18 B 19 C 20 A
21 B 22 C 23 A 24 B 25 D
26 C 27 F 28 A 29 C 30 B
31 C 32 B 33 D 34 A 35 C
36 D 37 D 38 C 39 B 40 A
41 B 42 A 43 D 44 D 45 B
46 C 47 D 48 B 49 E 50 A
51 C 52 C 53 B 54 A 55 D
56 A 57 A 58 D 59 C 60 B
61 D 62 C 63 C 64 B 65 C
1.B 题意:她接受他的研究计划了吗?
句子中proposal是名词,意思是方案,建议。A中invitation的意思是招待,邀请;例句:She received an invitation to the party.她接到参加聚会的邀请。B中plan的意思是计划,方案;例句:Her plan is merely a castle in the sky.她的方案间直是天方夜谭。C中offer的意思是议案;例句:She interlocked her fingers and considered the offer.她双手交叉,考虑着这个提议。D中view的意思是观点,视野,风景;例句:There’s a fine view of the lake from our hotel window.从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到湖的美丽风光。故选B。
2.D 题意:她只需要很少的钱。
句子中minute是形容词,意思是小的,少的,与tiny, ultratelescopic是同义词。A中certain的意思是必然的,已确定的;例句:I was certain that he had seen me.我肯定他已看见了我。B中fair的意思是公平的,合理的;例句:That’s a fair comment.那是公正的评价。C中full的意思是满的,完全的;例句:The room was full of people.室内挤满了人。D中small的意思是小的,细微的;例句:Dave is a small man.戴夫长得瘦小。故选D。
3.C 题意:把你的护照放在安全的地方。
句子中secure的意思是安全的,安心的。A中special的意思是特殊的,专门的;例句:She works as a nurse in a special hospital.她在一家专门医院做护士。B中good的意思是好的,优秀的;例句:He is my good friend.他是我的好朋友。C中safe的意思是安全的,保险的;例句:The house is not safe from theft.这房子不安全,容易遭窃。D中different的意思是不同的,不平常的;例句:This item belongs under a different heading.这一项应归入不同的类目。故选C。
4.C 题意:这个故事刊登的唯一目的就是售报纸。
句子中sole的意思是唯一的。A中real的意思是真实的;例句:We should read books of real worth,我们应阅读真正有价值的书籍。B中main的意思是主要的,最重要的;例句:It became a main force that would regenerate society.它成为改造社会的一个主要力量。C中only的意思是唯一的,仅有的;例句:This was only one of many murder cases he judged.这仅仅是他审理的众多谋杀案件中的一件。D中practical的意思是实践的,实际的;例句:We should turn our thoughts to practical matters.我们应把思想转向实际问题。故选C。
5.C 题意:我们在寻找纯净水供应方面遇到了麻烦。
句子中pure的意思是纯的,干净的。A中typical的意思是典型的,代表性的;例句:This painting is a typical Rembrandt.这幅画是一幅典型的伦勃朗作品。B中complete的意思是完全的,完整的;例句:This prompted a complete life change for her.这让她的生活发生了完全的变化。C中clean的意思是清洁的,干净的;例句:Clean air is surely much better and more hygienic.清洁的空气当然好,更加卫生。D中clear的意思是清楚的,明白的;例句:Our attitude is clear.我们的态度是明确的。故选C。
6.B 题意:当他在澳大利亚的时候还与家人不断保持联系。
句子中constant的意思是不断的,持续的。A中gradual的意思是渐进的,逐渐的;例句:More likely, however, release of methane into the atmosphere will be gradual, but steady.但更为可能的是,甲烷释放到大气中会是逐渐,但稳定的过程。B中regular的意思是有规律的,不变的;例句:We’re going to be meeting there on a regular basis.我们将定期在那里见面。C中direst的意思是极度的;例句:The direst consequences of all this lie in the future, however.然而,最严重的后果还在将来。D中occasional的意思是偶尔的,不经常的;例句:He still misbehaves occasionally.他仍偶尔行为不乖。故选B。
7.A 题意:“你什么意思?”保尔严厉地问道。
句子中sharply的意思是严厉地,锋利地。A中critically的意思是批判性地,苛求地。例句:He examined the quality of the furniture critically.他以挑剔的目光审视家具的质量。B中helplessly的意思是无助地,无能地;例句:They helplessly watch the crops being flooded.他们眼睁睁地看着庄稼被水淹了。C中politely的意思是有礼貌地,客气地;例句:You should deal with her more politely.你应该待她更客气些。D中quickly的意思是迅速地;例句:He quickly interpreted to his boss what the American was saying.他迅速把那位美国人讲的话翻译给老板听。故选A。
8.D 题意:桌子上的花瓶里插满了假花。
句子中artificial的意思是人造的,人工的,虚假的。A中wild的意思是野生的;例句:The lions in this area prey on deer and other wild animals.这个地方的狮子捕食鹿和其他野生动物。B中fresh的意思是新鲜的;例句:Of course not, but you will see something fresh.当然不是,但你会看到一些新鲜的东西。C中lovely的意思是可爱的。I like that lovely doll.我喜欢那只可爱的娃娃。D中false的意思是伪造的,虚伪的;例句:She blasted away at his false idealism.她猛烈抨击他虚伪的理想主义。故选D。
9.C 题意:风暴造成了严重的损失。
句子中severe的意思是剧烈的,严重的。A中physical的意思是自然(界)的,物质的;例句:I have no idea how large the physical universe is.我不知道物质世界有多大。B中accidental的意思是意外的,偶然(发生)的;例句:Breaking the vase was purely accidental;she did not mean to do it.打碎花瓶纯粹是偶然失手;她无意弄坏它。C中serious的意思是严肃的,严重的;例句:He was kind and affectionate,but very serious.他仁慈、亲切,但非常严肃。D中environmental的意思是(个人)环境的,周围的;例句:Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference.环境保护组织计划在会议期间组织公众抗议治动。故选C。
10.A 题意:他对学生的蔑视是显而易见的。
句子中contempt的意思是轻视,轻蔑。A中hate的意思是仇恨,厌恶;例句:Love and hate are two extremes of feelings.爱与恨是感情的两个极端。B中need的意思是需要;例句:We are collecting money for children in need.我们在为贫困儿童募捐。C中love的意思是爱,喜欢:例句:My love for you will never die.我对你的爱将始终不渝。D中pity的意思是怜悯,同情,憾事;例句:The old lady often takes pity on small animals.那位老太太常常怜悯小动物。故选A。
11.D 题意:我要从账户中取500英镑。
句子中withdraw的意思是取。A中leave的意思是离开,遗弃,交托;例句:I will leave you to attend to the matter.我委托你办此事。B中pay的意思是付款,偿还;例句:I’d like to pay with my credit card.我想用信用卡支付。C中put的意思是放;He put his hands in his pockets.他把手放在口袋里。D中draw的意思是移动,提取;例句:Can I draw $ 50 from my account? 我可以从我的账户上提取50美元吗?故选D。
12.A 题意:美国使馆面前聚集了一大群人。
句子中assembled的意思是集合。A中gathered的意思是(使)聚集,集合;例句:Large and small businesses sold popcorn wherever crowds gathered.大大小小的商贩在人群聚集的地方卖爆米花。B中watched的意思是注视,注意;例句:I seldom play chess, but I like to watch.我很少下棋,但是喜欢看。C中shouted的意思是呼,喊,叫;例句:He didn’t shout, he just glared at me silently.他没有喊叫,只是默默地怒视着我。D中walked的意思是走,步行,散步;例句:I missed the bus and had to walk home.我没赶上公共汽车,只好走回家。故选A。
13.A 题意:他鼓励很多年轻人运动起来。
句子中inspired的意思是鼓舞,激励。A中encouraged的意思是鼓励,支持;例句:I feel encouraged to be with you.和你在一起使我勇气十足。B中allowed的意思是允许;例句:Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum.这个博物馆里不准使用闪光灯。C中called的意思是叫,通电话;例句:I’ll call you if you give me a name card.给我一张名片吧,我会打电话给你。D中advised的意思是建议;例句:They advised her against marrying quickly.他们劝她不要太快结婚。故选A。
14.D 题意:如果发现得早,很多癌症都能被治愈。
句子中detected的意思是发现,发觉,查明。A中selected的意思是选择(例句:Please select a channel to begin with from left.请从左边选择一个频道。B中operated的意思是做手术;例句:The doctor began to operate on the boy.医生开始给那个男孩动手术。C中developed的意思是发展;例句:Modern music was first developed in Italy.现代音乐最初是在意大利发展起来的。D中discovered的意思是发现;例句:He was later discovered to have been a spy.后来发现他原来是间谍。故选D。
15.B 题意:城市中心被炸弹攻陷。
句子中wiped out的意思是歼灭,攻陷。A中covered的意思是覆盖,掩护;例句:Snow covered the ground.积雪覆盖了大地。B中destroyed的意思是破坏,摧毁,消灭,歼灭;例句:We want to nurture the new project, not destroy it.我们要支持这个新工程,不要破坏它。C中reduced的意思是减少,降低;例句:We need to reduce our dependence on oil as a source of energy.在能源方面,我们需减少对石油的依赖。D中moved的意思是移动,搬动;例句:His parents are going to move in with him.他的父母准备搬来和他住在一起。故选B。
16.B 题意:俄克拉荷马是一个经常遇到自然灾害的地区。
根据文中的Oklahoma is not an area of the country famous for its quakes. If you watch the news on TV, you see reports about all sorts of natural disasters —hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and wildfires, to name a few可知俄克拉荷马并不因地震而闻名,其他类型的灾难也很少在电视上看到。由此可判断奥克拉荷马并不受灾难的眷顾。故选B。
17.A 题意:地震是最不可预测的自然灾害。
根据文中第一段最后一句But the most dangerous type of natural disaster,and also the most unpredictable is the earthquake可知,地震是最难预测的自然灾难。故选A。
18.B 题意:人们能感觉到几乎所有的地震。
关键字是few。few是几乎没有的意思,表否定,与a few不同。
文中第二段第二句... but people don’t feel many of the tremors because they happen in remote and unpopulated regions说明,在人迹罕至的地区发生的地震,人们是感觉不到的。故选B。
19.C 题意:地震仪能确认和定位中国的很多地震。
20.A 题意:八级或以上的地震基本上都发生在板块边缘。
文中第五段第二、三句The largest ones register a magnitude 8 or higher and happen, on average, only once each year. Such big ones typically occur along the edges of Earth’s tectonic plates明确指出,八级或更大的地震一般发生在地壳板块边缘。故选A。
21.B 题意:当板块移动时就会发生地震。
根据文中第六段倒数第二句When plates jostle and scrape past each other earthquakes occur可知,板块互相挤压时才会发生地震,而不是板块一动就地震。故选B。
22.C 题意:200多年前袭击美国东半部的地震是最大的板块中间类型的地震。
23.A 第二段主要讲述现代科学家认同了爱因斯坦的光电效应理论。因此可以判断A选项“当今人们如何解释光的性质”正确。
24 B 第三段第一句Things that give off light are known as sources of light就点明主旨,发光的物体是光源。所以B选项“什么是光源?”正确。
25.D 第四段主要讲述光传播的问题,所以D选项“光是如何传播的”正确。
26.C 第五段的关键字是speed of light,光速。所以C选项“物理学家如何测量光的速度”正确。
27.F 题意:人们可以看见物体是因为光……。
从第二段最后一句可知,人们看见物体是因为光是一种能量。所以F项a form of energy正确的。
28.A 题意:星星、火焰、手电筒都是……的例子。
第三段Other sources of light include stars, flames, flashlights…说明这些都是光源的例子所以A选项sources of light是正确的。
29.C 题意:某些情况下,如反射和吸收可以改变……。
第四段中there are some instances that can change the path and even the nature of light. They are reflection, absorption, interference, etc.这说明有一些情况可以改变光的路径。所以C选项the path of light是正确的。
30.B Hippolyte Fizeau做了一个测试……的实验。
最后一段Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment by directing a beam of light to a mirror ... he was able to calculate that the speed of light ...可知Hippolyte Fizeau通过实验计算出了光速。所以B选项是正确的。
31.C 题意:工程师会通过什么来改变电子产品的未来?
题干中的关键词为“the future of electronics”,按题干中的关键词回原文查读,they’ve turned their eyes to graphene, a super-thin material, made of carbon, that could change the future of electronics.可知the future of electronics之前的that指代的是graphene。所以C选项是正确的。
32.B 题意:关于石墨烯的说法,下面哪项是正确的?
此类题目有两种方法,一种是排除法,一种是直选法。本题B选项的说法在文中有原文提示:it’s “the thinnest possible material in this world. ” says Novoselov。所以可以很肯定地选B。
33.D 题意:第四段中的“apply”可以用什么词来代替?
Apply出现在此句中:Use the pencil to shade a small area on the paper, and then apply a small piece of adhesive tape over the area.句子意思是用铅笔在纸上涂黑一小块儿,然后把胶带纸粘在上面。apply的意思可以理解为“使用,放”。题目所给的四个选项分别为A项“推”;B项“发现”;C项“收集”D项“放”。可见put更贴合句意。所以选D。
34.A 题意:最后两段作者想说明的是什么?
35.C 题意:石墨烯的超强实力在于什么?
这个问题的答案要回到开篇去寻找,作者在第一段点明:新的电子产品需要元器件的体积小。并以此展开对石墨烯的论述。所以C选项It can help to make electronic components smaller是正确的。
36.D 题意:最初住在波多黎各岛的是什么人?
第一段第三句before the arrival of these immigrants, the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico说明在移民进入之前,泰诺人住在波多黎各。所以D项是对的。
37.D 题意:在第一段中单词“it”指的是什么?
在第一段中找到it所在的句子为Immigration to the island has helped to shape its cuisine,with people from all over the world making various contributions to it从此句可以看出,it指代的是上半句的cuisine(菜肴)所以选D。
38.C 题意:第二段主要讲的是什么?
第二段最后一句是对全段的总结:much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous... was actually imported by foreigners to the island可见波多黎各菜肴是受众多外国移民的影响。所以C项是正确的。
39.B 题意:sofrito是用来做什么的?
到文中最后一段找到关于的sofrito叙述,本段末两句As the base of many Puerto Rican dishes, sofrito is a sauce...,可知sofrito是波多黎各菜肴的基本材料,是一种浇在其他菜上的酱。所以B项It is added to other dishes是对的,故选B。
40.A 题意:下列哪个是不正确的?
四个选项都是围绕着辣的话题,这些在最后一段都能找到答案。由本段第三句However,milder tastes are popular too,such as sofrito,可知sofrito是微辣的,但项A中说sofrito是极辣的,显然不正确,故选A。
41.B 题意:第一段列举猫、猴、长颈鹿的例子是为了说明什么?
由第一段第一句… but most animals possess skills we can only dream of having(很多动物的技能是人类梦寐以求的),可确定B选项“动物拥有人类所不具备的技能”是正确的。
42.A 题意:下列哪项可以在档案馆中找到?
根据文中第二段最后一句Our archives don’t go back to the time of Leonardo da Vinci and his bird-like flying machines, but we can take you to the late 19th century, where we applied those same principles for building our first practical airplanes可知,档案馆中没有达芬奇的鸟类飞行器,但是有最初的实用飞机。所以A选项First practical airplanes built in the late 19th century是对的。
43.D 题意:怀特兄弟成功后发生了什么?
文中第三段Their success inspired scores of successors to improve on the airplane by studying various aspects of nature可知怀特兄弟成功后,很多人通过研究大自然的方方面面来改进飞机。这与D选项People studied more animals and plants to develop the airplane说法是一致的。
44.D 题意:关于美国军方开展的研究,下列哪项是正确的?
本句的关键词是US Army,回到文章可以看到最后一段都在描述美国军方的设想,但是他们的设想还没有演变成现实。如果能实现的话会改变我们的生活。所以D选项是正确的。
45.B 题意:作者通过这篇文章想告诉我们什么?
46.C 句意:但你不是在农村地区。
47.D 句意:树木吸收空气中的污染物。
48.B 句意:在炎热的国家,城市森林为人们散步和做其他有益于健康的活动提供阴凉。在表达方式上,B选项承接了前一句In a crowded area, they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature,这两个是并列句。
49.E 句意:在2033年,将有5万棵树。
前面几句有几个关键句:now 1.3 million trees, has grown very fast。作为本段的最后一句,一般要根据前文展望一下未来趋势。综合各个选项,E比较合适。
50.A 句意:人们在有树的购物中心待得时间更长。
从前一句Trees are even good for business可以看到,此句要具体说树木会如何促进商业活动。A选项正合其意。
51.C 前文说了很多不同国家钞票的不同,最后一个转折,肯定是要说相同的地方。in common是固定搭配,意思是相同,共同。故选A项common。
52.C 选century最合理,意为20世纪之交。period (A项),year( B项)或decade( D项)都不合逻辑。故选C项century。
53.B 本段第二句提供了解答本题的线索。Frank Vriesekoop的研究与以前的科学家的研究不同,他比较了各国钱币上的病菌数量,在他之前的科学家的研究范围局限于一个国家的纸币。四个选项中只有within表达“在(一个国家)里”的意思。故选B项within。
54.A 经过第四题选词的思索过租,本题很自然在different之后用countries,指不同的国家。故选A项countries。
55.D 上一句说Vriesekoop比较不同国家纸币携带病菌的数量。本题的句子明确指出他对比的纸币涉及十个国家。四个选项中只有gathered(收集)与上下文的意思相匹配。故选D项gathered。
56.A 填词所在的句子与前面的主句存在因果关系。为什么要从食品店和食品摊收集纸币呢?因为这些地方常要用现金支付。所以本题答案是A项because。
57.A 上一句中说澳元携带最少的细菌,本句与上一句是相对的,肯定是最多的。选A项most。
58.D 本句的句意是我们所说的纸中其实并不是由纸做的。所选的副词来修饰所说,给的四个选项分别是A项“相似地”;B项“简直不”;C项“轻微地”;D项“通常地”。所以选D项usually合适。
59.C 本段说纸币的材料一般不是纸,通常是用棉花织物或高分子聚合物制作的。所以C项materials(材料、原料)是正确的。
60.B 前文说了不同国家的纸币携带的细菌数量不同,此处选B项货币最为合适。填入后全句意思就是:含细菌最少的三个国家的纸币……。故选B项currencies。
61.D the other +名词表示“其他的……”。其他选项从语法上无法与the搭配。此句意为:其他纸币大部分是印在棉织物上的。所以选D项other。
62.C 本句前面两句讲述了细菌在什么样的介质上更容易存活。承接下来的应该是对之前的总结。本句四个选项的含义分别为A项“连接”;B项“参与”;C项“表述”;D项“估计”。C选项比较合适,填入后句意为:前面的表述说明细菌在聚合物表面不易存活。故选C项expression 。
63.C 科学家要研究细菌如何在纸币上存活。所以本句选how。if(A项),where(B项), when(D项)都与文意不符。故选C项how。
64.B on different types of bills(在不同的纸币上)说明是比较关系,所以本句要选compare “比较”。故选B项compare。
65.C 纸币和细菌的关系肯定是纸币携带细菌。“避免”(A项)、“杀死”(B项)和“选择”(D项)细菌都不正确。所以选C项carries。