Time时代周刊核心短语 第24期:ring true
日期:2016-06-25 15:33
ring true
从前用金币、银币的时代,人们怕拿到的硬币纯度不参够,常会两枚互敲一下,听听声音是否清脆悠长。ring指的就是敲击的声音,ring true这个动词词组是指硬币敲击声听起来成色十足,引申为“(事情、说法等)真实可靠”。
Using computers,(insurance companies) scan (clientss claims) for such warning signs of fraud as services performed on weekends and holidays and visits to doctors far from a claimant's home. That still leaves plenty of claims that ring true to a computer program only to prove false upon human investigation.(出自:TIME, Aug. 30,1993,p. 24 )