生活大爆炸 第四季:第12集:霍华德发明手写识别技术(下)
日期:2016-12-27 08:47


What are you doing?
Oh. Good morning, shoemaker. I think you'll be pleased with what the elves were up to last night.
早上好 大懒虫 我想你会很高兴看到昨晚精灵们的辛勤劳动成果
I fired you.
Oh, I know. I'm now an independent contractor.
我知道 我现在是个合同工
No, you are now nothing. You have no connection to this project whatsoever.
不 你啥都不是 你和这项目没有一毛钱关系了
But I made it better.
I don't want it better. I want it my way.
我不要你做改进 我要按我自己的来
Well, that speaks volumes, doesn't it? All right, I suppose I'll go put on my bus pants.
这话真是意味深长 是吧 好吧 我想我还是去穿公车裤吧
What the hell are bus pants?
They are pants one wears over one's regular pants when one sits on bus seats that other people have previously sat on. But perhaps from your lofty heights atop the corporate ladder, you've lost touch with the struggles of the common man.
就是穿在普通裤子外面的裤子 因为你要坐在公车上 别人坐过的椅子上 不过也许你是企业里 高高在上的领导恐怕不会理解身为普通人的辛酸苦辣
Look, I'm still happy to drive you to work. Nothing's changed in that regard. We're still roommates, we're still friends.
听着 我还是很乐意开车送你去上班 在这点上没有改变 我们还是室友 还是朋友
Except you identified me, your best friend, as a gangrenous limb that needed to be severed from the organism and tossed away. The desperate act of a little man with a big Napoleon complex. You know what?
但你却把我 你最好的朋友 当成一块坏死的肉从组织上割下来再扔掉 你这有严重拿破仑情结的小个子 还真是穷凶极恶 老子告诉你
Go put on your bus pants.
Mm. Last night, I had a dream. we got so rich from the app, you and I bought matching side-by-side mansions. But... there was a secret tunnel connecting your front yard to my back yard.
昨天晚上 我做了个梦 我们因为这应用程序发了大财 我俩买了两幢相邻的别墅 但是... 中间有条秘密隧道从你的前庭连到我的后院
What do you think that means?
It means after we play handball, I'm showering at home.
意思是我们玩完手球后 我在家洗澡
Good morning, Friend Howard. Friend Raj. I see you gentlemen are enjoying beverages. Perhaps they would taste better out of these.
早上好 霍华德好友 拉杰好友 两位先生在喝饮料啊 也许这些能让它们喝起来更美味
"World's Greatest Astrophysicist"?
Don't thank me. You earned it.
不用谢我 你应得的
"Howard Wolowitz." Why not "World's Greatest Engineer"?
“霍华德·沃罗威茨” 为啥不是"世上最伟大的工程师"
I'm sorry. I typed that into the label maker, but I just couldn't press enter. Now down to business. What would it take for you to abandon Leonard and join me in a rival company? Unless, of course, the mugs are sufficient, in which case, welcome aboard.
不好意思 我在做标签的时候是这么打过 但实在按不下确认键 现在谈正事吧 你们何不抛弃莱纳德加入竞争对手 我的公司 要是这两个马克杯还不够 不管怎样 欢迎你们入伙
We're not quitting on Leonard.
I understand. Your loyalty is admirable. But what if I were to up the ante?
我明白 你们的忠诚值得赞扬 但如果我再增加筹码呢
What are you talking about?
Monogrammed key chains with a built-in laser pointer. No? How about can cozies emblazoned with our university mascot?
字母组合钥匙链还配有内置激光 还是不吗 那印有我们大学吉祥物的保温罩呢
Go, Beavers.
冲啊 海狸
I'll be back.
Okay, let's try this one. "Spherical Hankel function."
好 我们试下这个 “球面汉克尔函数”
Hold on.
That's it!
Hey, we agreed when it was "Eureka" Time, we were all gonna say it together.
喂 我们不是说好"中了"的时候要一起说的吗
Fine. Let's say it together.
好吧 那再一起说一次好了
No. The moment has passed.
不了 这个时机已经过了
Greetings, gentlemen. How goes your little project?
你们好 先生们 你们的小项目咋样了
You mean, "Project Lenwoloppali"?
你是指 "莱沃帕里"计划吗
Ah, a combination of all your names. Very clever. I assume "Koothranardowitz" Was taken?
是你们名字的组合啊 真聪明 为啥不是"库萨纳德威茨"呢
We're actually scanning equations and getting good results.
我们在扫描方程 效果还不错
Oh, well then, by all means, carry on. I wouldn't want to impede your progress.
好吧 你们继续努力吧 我不想妨碍你们的进程
Howard, did you solve the install time problem yet?
霍华德 你解决了安装时间的问题了吗
Yet. It's a little tricky. I'm gonna try having it pick up the libraries dyn...
没有 这有点难应付 我准备查下图书馆的查询系统...
What are you doing?!
Playing the theremin.
No. I mean, what are you doing with a theremin?
不 我是说 你拿特雷门琴在搞什么
Playing it. I've loved the theremin from the first moment I heard the original Star Trek theme. And it's been killing me that it just sits in my closet, gathering dust.
演奏啊 我第一次听到星际迷航原声主题乐时就爱上了特雷门琴了 我实在是不忍心把它一直扔在柜子里积灰
Sheldon! We're working here!
谢尔顿 我们在工作
That's all right. I can barely hear you over my theremin.
没关系 我在演奏特雷门琴时几乎听不到你们说话
Well, that was a little uncalled for.
No, that was completely called for. We need quiet.
不 这他妈的太讲道理了 我们需要安静
So, your project is more important than mine?
Well, seeing as your project is to sabotage my project, yes.
如果你的项目就是给我捣蛋 那就是
Don't beat around the bush, Leonard. If you don't want me here, just say the word, and I'll leave.
别拐弯抹角的 莱纳德 你要是容不下我 说出来 我会走人的
Could have beaten around the bush a little.
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen Nobody knows my sorrow ?
*没人知晓* *我曾经见的离乱* *没人理解我的悲伤*
What you doing? Trying to contact your home planet?
你干嘛呢 联络你的母星吗
I'm practicing my theremin.
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen Glory, hallelujah.
*没人知晓* *我曾经见的离乱* *荣耀啊 哈利路亚*
Something got you down, there, Sheldon?
什么事儿惹你不开心了吗 谢尔顿
Leonard kicked me out of my own apartment. And his app team.
莱纳德把我从家轰出来了 还有应用程序小组
Oh, honey, I'm sorry.
亲爱的 真可怜
He wouldn't drive me to work today. I had to wear my bus pants.
他今天还不肯开车带我上班 搞得我不得不穿公交裤
Is that so?
Yes. And they're still sticky. Probably going to have to throw them away.
嗯 现在裤子还粘糊糊的 估计得扔掉了
Hey, you don't need Leonard and his app. You can make one with me.
听着 你才不需要莱纳德和他的程序 你可以跟我研究出来一个嘛
With you?
Seriously, I have a great idea for one.
说真的 我有个超赞的点子
Is it better than your idea to move to Los Angeles and become a famous actress?
Okay, look... when you see someone wearing shoes you like, you just snap a picture of them, and the app goes on the Internet to find out where you can buy them.
行了 听着 当你看到某人脚上的鞋子让你很感冒 你就拍一张照片然后用这个程序直接在网上 查到哪里有卖
That's your app idea?
Well, you don't like it?
I didn't say that. But no, I don't.
我刚才没这么说 不过 我确实不感兴趣
Why not?
Oh, Penny, where do I begin? The simple-mindedness of your idea is exceeded only by its crass consumerism and banality.
佩妮 让我从何说起啊 超越了这个点子弱智程度的只有愚蠢的消费者至上主义和俗不可耐
And Leonard didn't want to work with you? Imagine that.
莱纳德不要跟你合作 真“稀奇”啊
I know, it's baffling. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen...
我知道 确实匪夷所思啊 *没人知晓* *我曾经见的离乱*
Sheldon, I'm gonna make some cocoa. Do you want some?
谢尔顿 我要冲可可喝 你要喝吗
Do you make it with milk or water?
你用什么冲 牛奶还是水
Real cocoa?
That's what it says on the packet.
Do you have those little marshmallows?
No, sorry.
没有 抱歉
Well, I suppose it's appropriate.
What does that mean?
A disappointing drink for a disappointing day.
Hey, look at this. 20 people from the university have already signed up for our private beta.
喂 看这个 学校里已经有二十个人登记了咱的内测版
I'm telling you, the Lenwoloppali Differential Equation Scanner meets a real need. We've got a hit.
我就说嘛 莱沃帕里微分方程扫描仪满足了实际需求 咱要火了
What do you think we should sell it for?
Well, based on the fact that our potential market is about 70 or 80 guys, and you want a submarine, I'd say about a million dollars a pop.
这个嘛 基于我们的潜在市场大约七八十人的事实 而你又想赚个潜水艇 我的意见是一单一百万刀
Well, what if we put out a lite version for half a million? You know, get the word of mouth going.
不如咱出个精简版 卖五十万 你懂吗 可以赚个口碑
Hi. I'm sorry to bother you guys, but you've got to come take your Sheldon back.
嗨 抱歉打扰了 你们得过来把你家谢尔顿领走
What's he doing in your apartment?
Well, he was moping down in the lobby, so I invited him over. Now I regret it.
他一人在大厅闷闷不乐 我就把他带回家了 现在我肠子都悔青了
Why do you regret... Uh, never mind, stupid question.
他干啥让你后...废话一句 当我没说
Look, can't you just let him play with you until bedtime?
We're not playing. This is real work. We're going to be hundred-aires.
我们这不是玩儿 这是正事 我们就要成为百-富翁咯
Okay. What if I got him to apologize and promise to behave?
成吧 要是我能让他道歉并且保证他乖呢
Then I guess we would let him back on the app team, and while we're doing that, you could take an aerial tour of L.A. on your flying pig.
这样的话 我们的研究组可以接受他 他回来之后 你说不定能坐着你的飞天猪仔在空中游览洛城
Okay. Wait right here.
好吧 等着啊
I'll tell you one thing. If I get rich enough, that's the kind of girl I want to take on a submarine ride. And yes, that time, I meant it to be dirty.
跟你们说吧 要是我有天发达了 我就想带这样的女孩来一次潜水艇之旅 而且没错 我是要龌龊一下
Really? Leonard wants me back?
真的吗 莱纳德想让我回去吗
Oh, yes. He says they are lost without you.
没错 他说你不在他们就群龙无首了
Well, we sure saw that coming.
That's right.
You know what I'm going to do? I am going to sit here and just let them stew.
你知道我准备干吗吗 我准备就一直坐在这 由得他们去烦吧
No, no, no. You know, they have suffered enough. Everybody's suffered enough. The thing is, you're going to have to offer him a face-saving way out of this.
别 别 别 他们已经够受罪的了 大家都够受罪的了 关键是你得过去给他一个有面子的台阶下
Say you're sorry.
Oh, no. Mrs. Mary Cooper didn't raise her no liars.
不 我亲爱的母亲玛丽·库珀太太可没教我撒谎
Okay. Um... How about this? You know how you're always trying to learn about sarcasm?
好吧 那这样好不好 你不是一直想要学挖苦人吗
I was being sarcastic.
Oh. Good for you. So all you have to do here is say you're sorry to Leonard, but say it sarcastically.
真不错 所以你只需要过去 跟莱纳德道歉 但是语气要带着挖苦
Of course. He will hear it as an attempt to mend fences, as opposed to the withering condemnation you and I will know it to be.
当然 在他听来 那是我在示好 但实际上咱俩清楚那是赤裸裸的谴责
Yeah. Yeah, that was my plan. All right. Come on. Let's go.
没错 没错 我就这个意思 好了 走吧 咱们过去
Oh, by the way, thank you for the delicious cocoa.
顺便说一句 谢谢你 做了这么好喝的可可
Oh, you're welcome.
Boy, I'm getting good at this.
Okay, now that you're back on the team, let's get you caught up.
好吧 既然你归队了 那我们就给你介绍一下最新进展吧
Before you begin, let me say again how deeply sorry I am for my earlier behavior and how much I respect and admire your leadership.
在你开始之前 我想再次为我之前的表现向你表示深刻的道歉 另外我很尊重并且钦佩你的领导
Thank you.
So as you can see, not only can you store your favorite equations, but you can forward them to your friends or post them on Facebook right from the app.
所以正如你所见 你现在不仅可以储存你最喜欢的公式 还能把他们转发给你的朋友们 或是直接通过应用程序把他们贴到Facebook上
Well, I must say, I am impressed. Thanks.
我真得说 这太厉害了 谢谢
You all have clearly put in a lot of hard work.
We have.
As a result, you have taken the most important step on the road to success: learning what not to do. Now, let's start fresh.
正因为这样 你们掌握了通往成功之路的最重要的一步 在失败中学习 现在让我们重新开始吧
Howard, we're going to need some tea.
霍华德 给我们弄点茶喝
Okay, these are Uggs. These are Crocs. These are knockoff Manolo Blahniks.
好的 这双是雪地靴 这双是卡骆驰 这双是山寨版的马诺洛·布兰尼克
Look, you said it yourself, we have to create a database before you can write an alga-thingy.
这可是你自己说的 我们要先建立一个数据库然后你才能写那个什么计算的东西
Algorithm. You see, Penny, Alan Turing defined an algorithm...
是算法 佩妮 阿兰图灵将算法定义为英国数学家 逻辑学家 被称为人工智能之父
Bored. Okay. These are Steve Maddens. These are Nine West. These are Target. Oh, but don't they look like Chanel? These are Michael Kors...
无聊 好的 这双是史蒂夫·马登 这双是玖熙 这双是塔吉特 不过看起来很像香奈儿吧 这双是迈克·科尔斯
Nobody knows... the trouble I've seen Nobody knows... my sorrows
*无人知晓* *我曾经历的离乱* *无人知晓* *我的悲伤*

  • identifiedadj. 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 v. 鉴定(id
  • themen. 题目,主题
  • impressedadj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的
  • abandonv. 放弃,遗弃,沉溺 n. 放纵
  • lasern. 激光,镭射
  • previouslyadv. 先前,在此之前
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • condemnationn. 谴责,非难,定罪, 非难或定罪的理由
  • functionn. 功能,函数,职务,重大聚会 vi. 运行,起作用
  • appropriateadj. 适当的,相称的 vt. 拨出(款项); 占用