有多少部怀旧电影还记得?有多少电影中经典台词还记得?还是只记得那些经典台词? 下面这些老电影中的经典台词是否也在你的记忆里呢?
1. 站着进来,躺着出去!—《保密局的枪声》
Come in with stand, and get out with sleep! –'Pops in secrecy bureau'
2. 各位父老乡亲,想不到吧?我胡汉山又回来了!这如今还是我胡汉山的天下!过去谁拿了我什么,给我送回来,谁吃了我什么,给我吐出来!——《闪闪的红星》
Everybody, could you image it? I Hanshan Hu come back again! Now, it still is my domain. Whoever took something from me, return it to me; occypy something of mine, restitute it to me. –'Red sparkling star'
3. 别看今天闹得欢,小心日后拉清单! ——《小兵张嘎》
Don't be cocky today, just be careful of your dog-ass day! –'Little soldier Zhangga'
4. 同志们,为了新中国!前进!—《董存瑞》
Comrades, for new China, let's go! –'Cunrui Dong'
5. 我代表党,代表人民,宣判你的死刑。—《党的女儿》
I sentence you to death, in name of the Party, people. –'Daughter of The Party'
6. 人生自古谁无死,一个人的生命能够和无产阶级永葆青春的事业拥抱在一起,我感到无上的光荣。——《烈火中永生》
Whoever will die at some day. I'm so honoured for my life with timelessly flourishing proletariate's career. --'perpetuity in blood and fire'
7. 为了胜利,向我开炮!——《英雄儿女》
For victory, shoot at me! –'Heroical youth'
8. 打仗我不行,打牌你不行,长江防线就全靠你们几位仁兄啦!——《开国大典》
I don't specialize in war, and so do you in cards, the line of defence along Yangtse River is up to you! –'Grand ceremony'
9. 中国人民站起来了!——《开国大典》
Chinese stand up! –'Grand ceremony'
10. 就是挖地三尺,也要把八路军给我找出来!——《地道战》
For find out the 8th R- Army, even dig into three feet. –'Tunnel warfare'
11. 我们今天大踏步地后退,就是为了明天大踏步地前进!——《南征北战》
Now we withdraw at a stride, just for advance with strides tomorrow! – 'Civil war'
12. 付钱?老子在城里吃馆子都不要钱,别说吃你几个烂西瓜。——《小兵张嘎》
Payment? I have never paid at restaurants in the town, let these stupid watermelons alone. –'Little soldier Zhangga'
Don't be cocky today, just be careful of your dog-ass day! –'Little soldier Zhangga'
13. 看在党国的份上,拉兄弟一把吧。——《南征北战》
Help me for the Party and Country's sake, please! –'Civil war'
14. 高,实在是高!——《地道战》
Great! It' so great! –'Tunnel warfare'
15. 要送,要送,不管花多大代价,一定要送! ——《上甘岭》
Deliver, deliver, deliver it in spite of any cost! –'Mountain Shanggan'
16. 哪部分的?——《奇袭白虎团》
Which column are you in? –'Legendary voluntary army'
17. 头可断,血可流,共产党员的意志你永远打倒不了!—《烈火中永生》
Kill me,or slay me, you never beat down a commy's will! –'perpetuity in blood and fire'
18. 天王盖地虎,宝塔镇河妖。——《林海雪原》
How are you?
Fine,thank you . And you ?
I'm fine too. –'Legend in snowy forest'