日期:2010-04-09 16:48




Katharine: My darling, I am waiting for you. How long is a day in the dark? Or a week? The fire is gone now, and I'm horribly cold. I really ought to drag myself outside, and there would be the sun. I am afraid I waste the light on the paintings, and on writing these words.

We die, we die rich with lovers, and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we've hidden in, like the wretched cave. I want all this marked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men.

I know you will come and carry me out in the palace of winds. That's all I've wanted, to walk in such a place with you, with friends, an earth without maps.

The lamp is gone out, and I'm writing in the darkness.




wait for是比较常用的固定搭配,表示等候、等待。gone是过去分词变化成的形容词作表语,意思是熄灭的、逝去的。因为Sharif离去前点燃的篝火已经熄灭,手电筒又支撑不了多久,山洞里漆黑阴冷、不分昼夜,Katharine才说,不知道已经过去了一天还是一个星期,她渴望见到阳光。drag原意就是拖、缓慢而费力地行动。

Katharine说,我们死去,与不同种族的人(tribes)一起,带着对爱人(lover)的记忆,带着经历过的人生百味(taste)酸甜苦辣的回味,带着我们心底曾经的恐惧胆怯(fear),以及灵魂栖身其中的这副皮囊(body),所以即使是死亡,也是充实而丰富的(rich)。这里使用了两个生动的动词:swallow,吞下,与“味道”的比喻相得益彰;enter,进入,强调了灵魂的独立,并不是与身体合二为一的。hide in,隐藏在深处。

正常生活被战争颠覆,阳光、清风、与心爱的人相知相守,这些和平年月唾手可得的东西在动荡的岁月中显得遥不可及。Katharine告诉爱人她最后的领悟:国家不是用画在地图上的边界(boundaries drawn on maps)围成的,不是以女王或首相的意志铸就的,我们——实实在在的人,才是国家的真正组成。
