日期:2010-04-15 14:27



Rhett : Take a good look, my dear. It's a historic moment. You can tell your grand children how you watched the Old South disappear one night. They were going to lick the Yankees in a month, the poor, gallant fools.

瑞德 :好好看看吧,亲爱的。这是个历史性的时刻,你将来可以告诉子孙。你如何目睹了古老的南方在一夜之间消失得无影无踪。他们曾想用一个月时间打败北方佬,这些可怜而英勇的傻瓜。

Scarlett: They make me sick, all of them. Getting us all into this with their swaggering and boasting.


Rhett : That's the way I felt once about their swaggering and boasting.

瑞德 :对于他们的傲慢和吹嘘,我也同样讨厌过

Scarlett: Oh, Rhett, I'm so glad you aren't with the army! You can be proud now, proud that you've been smarter than all of them.


Rhett : I'm not so proud

瑞德 :我没什么可自豪的。

Scarlett: Why did you stop?

斯佳丽 :为什么停下来?

Rhett : This is the turn to Tara; let the horse breathe a bit. Mrs. Wilkes?

瑞德 :去塔拉该从这儿拐弯,让马喘口气。威尔克斯太太……

Prissy : Miss Melly done fainted way back, Captain Butler.

普里西 :威尔克斯太太昏过去了,巴特勒船长。

Rhett : Well, she's probably better off. She couldn't stand the pain if she were conscious. Scarlett, are you still determined to do this crazy thing?

瑞德 :这样也许更好。她醒着反而受不了这份罪。斯佳丽,你还是打定主意要干这傻事?

Scarlett: Oh,yes,yes! I know we can get through, Rhett. I'm sure we can.

斯佳丽 :对,对!我知道我们能过去的,瑞德,我敢肯定我们能。

Rhett : Not we, my dear, you. I'm leaving you here.

瑞德 :不是我们,亲爱的,是你。我要在这里与你分手了。

Scarlett: You're what? Rhett? Where are you going?


Rhett : I'm going, my dear, to join the army.


Scarlett: Oh, you're joking! I could kill you for scaring me so!

斯佳丽 :哦,你开什么玩笑!你这么吓唬我,我真想宰了你!

Rhett : I'm very serious, Scarlett. I'm going to join up with our brave lads in grey.

瑞的 :我是很认真的,斯佳丽。我要加入咱们穿灰军装的勇敢的小伙子们的队伍。

Scarlett: But they're running away!

斯佳丽 :但是他们在逃跑!

Rhett : Oh, no. They'll turn and make a last stand, if I know anything about them. And when they do, I'll be with them. I'm a little late, but better late than?

瑞德 :不。他们会折回来进行最后的抵抗,如果我对他们有所了解的话。当他们进行抵抗时,我要加入他们。我吃了一步,但晚一步总比……

Scarlett: Rhett, you must be joking!

斯佳丽 :瑞德,你在开玩笑!

Rhett : Selfish to the end, aren't you? Thinking only of your own precious hide with never a thought for the noble Cause.

瑞的 :你打算自私到底了吗?只想保住自己的小命,而把我们的神圣事业置之脑后。

Scarlett: Rhett! How could you do this tome? And why should you go now that卆fter it's all over, and I need you! Why?! Why?

斯佳丽 :瑞德!你怎么能这样对待我?既然一切都已结束了,而且我需要你,你为什么还要走?为什么?为什么?

Rhett : Why? Maybe it's because I've always had a weakness for lost causes, once they're really lost?Or, maybe, maybe, I'm ashamed of myself. Who knows?

瑞德 :为什么?或许因为我总是站在失败者一边,一旦他们真的失败了……或许,或许因为我感到羞愧了。谁知道?

Scarlett: You should die of shame to leave me here alone and helpless!

斯佳丽 :你真该羞死!把我孤零零丢在这里,无依无靠的!

Rhett : You, helpless! Heaven help the Yankees if they capture you! Now climb down her; I want to say good-bye.

瑞德 :你无依无靠!上帝会保佑你不让北方佬抓去的!下来,我想和你道别。

Scarlett: No!

斯佳丽 :不!

Rhett : Climb down!

瑞德 :下来!

  • preciousadj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的 adv. 极其地
  • consciousadj. 神志清醒的,意识到的,自觉的,有意的 n. 意
  • weaknessn. 软弱
  • determinedadj. 坚毅的,下定决心的
  • helplessadj. 无助的,无依靠的
  • capturevt. 捕获,俘获,夺取,占领,迷住,(用照片等)留存