1. Richard: Hey, beautiful. You get lost.
Lily: I'm sorry I'm late. I couldn't find parking.
Richard: That's what the valet's for.
Lily: Right, but it also costs $2,and I just spent that on gas.
Richard: Here to hit dad up for some cash?
valet: 原本是仆人的意思,这里是指那些帮忙停车的侍者。另外注意一下that's what the…for这样的用法,表示“ ……就是用来干……的”
hit someone up: to ask someone for a loan of money or for some other favor
2. Lily: You hung up the phone with me, and you called her? You didn't even give me a chance to explain.
Cece: That's because he would have to parent, and we know he always leaves "bad cop" to me.
hang up the phone: (没等对方说完就)挂电话
bad cop: 中文说的红脸白脸,英文就是good cop, bad cop
3. Cece: Actually, your father did make a call to the school.
Richard: I told them what had been happening at home, about your sister taking off, your mother and I splitting up. I explained that it was an isolated, uncharacteristic act of rebellion. They're willing to turn your expulsion into a suspension.
take off: 离开,离家出走。口语里take off通常就是leave的意思,而不是起飞,而且通常用进行时I'm taking off.(我要走了,我要离开了,我要出发了)
split up: 分手,break up
expulsion: 开除,更加口语的说法是get kicked out of school
suspension: 留校看察
4. Serena: My mother didn't think that I was old enough to make my own decisions, so I decided to stay in jail, and I'm not leaving until she agrees to let me live my own life.
Blair: So it's a war of attrition.
Serena: So to speak.
Blair: Except she gets to wage the war from the comfort of her penthouse while you remain behind bars.
war of attrition: 消耗战,发生在以色列和埃及之间的一场战争(感兴趣的可以搜索“消耗战 1868年”),用在这里是形容S和她妈妈之间的母女之战。
so to speak: 可以这么说
penthouse: 顶楼的豪华公寓
behind bars: 蹲监狱,bar本意是栅栏,在栅栏后面(behind bars),当然就是蹲监狱的意思了。
5. Cece: Oh, what a restorative nap that was. I feel so much better.
Lily: Well, I'm afraid that moment is not going to last.
Cece: Eric's out of earshot?
Lily: I sent him to a movie with Jonathan.
Cece: So no one can hear me scream. You're gonna what, lily, hack me to pieces, suffocate me with a pillow?
restorative: 有助恢复元气的。我觉得restorative这种单词是比较难记也比较难用的,这类单词的特点就是表达方式和中文完全不一样。比如同样一句话,中文说“睡了一个午觉,让我神清气爽,体力也恢复了”,于是英文我们就会按照中文习惯翻成”a nap makes me…”, 但其实英文用一个restorative nap就搞定了。
earshot: 听力所及之范围,out of earshot就表示听不见的意思
hack me to pieces: 把我大卸八块,hack就是砍的意思。
suffocate: 使窒息,这里是说用枕头把我闷死。
6. Cece: Your sister was rebellious and ungrateful for my love, and look where she ended up.
Lily: From where I'm sitting, it doesn't look so bad. I don't want you meddling with my family or with my love life anymore. I want you out, now.
look where she ends up: 看看她的下场是怎么样的
from where I'm sitting: 从我的角度来说,就我看来……
meddle with: 搅和
7. Owen: Personally, I don't see it.
Lily: See what?
Owen: The family resemblance.
The family resemblance: 你们两个长的像的地方
8. Lily: It just--Your life isn't exactly how you described. You told mom that you were making it out in L.A.
Carol: I am making it. This is what making it looks like...before you've totally made it.
make out: 出人头地,有成就
9. Blair: This is low, even for you. I can't believe you did this, Chuck. You know how important prom is to me!
Serena: Blair, what's wrong? I caught him with these. They're all marked with Nelly Yuki's name. He's sabotaging me.
low: 低级的,整句话的意思就是“即使对你来说,这也太低级了吧”
sabotage: 暗中破坏
10. Cece: You think Serena's a handful? I would rather have 20 Dan Humphreys from Brooklyn instead of that boy you loved from the valley.
Lily: Well, you took care of that, didn't you?
handful: someone, often a child, who is difficult to deal with, 另人头疼的人
take care of that: 搞定了,fix