日期:2009-05-15 11:09





Garfield: Ahh, so much time and so little I need to do.
Jon: Mouse!
Garfield: No, thanks, I'm full.
Jon: Get him, Garfield!
Garfield: Get him, Jon. It's always got to be smashing and crashing. Nobody poisons anymore. There's my ball!
Jon: What good is a cat if he can't chase a mouse?
Garfield: I don't do the "chase" thing.
Jon:I know you don't hear me, but can't you just listen?
Garfield: Louis, what are you doing in the house, in Jon's home?
Louis: Sorry, Garfield, and I couldn't help it.
Garfield: Look, when he sees you here, he expects more from me, don't you get that?
Louis: Yes, he's got that mint cookie. I'm trying to maintain, you understand?
Garfield: Sure, as long as you understand I have to eat you.
Louis: Ohh...
Jon: Oh, good boy! See I know you can do it if you put your mind to it! You are the best kind of cat I could have.
Garfield: Have you tasted yourself lately?
Louis: Hey, it wasn't exactly the first-class laundry there for me!
Garfield: Get yourself washed, Louis. Take a powder for a couple of days, get a haircut and grow beard.
Louis: Cool! I owe you one, G


1. 注意hear和 listen的区别,hear表示听的结果, listen表示动作。
例句: I listened but I didn't hear anything. 我听了但是什么都没听见。
2. I couldn't help it. 我忍不住。 help后面还可以加上动词的现在分词形式, 表示忍不住做某事。
例句: I couldn't help laughing. 我忍不住大笑起来。
3. put one's mind to something 表示认真做某事,相当于 put one's heart on something
4. I owe you one, G. 我欠你一个人情,加菲。这里G是加菲猫的简称。

  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • chasen. 追求,狩猎,争取 vt. 追捕,狩猎 vt. 雕刻
  • laundryn. 洗衣店,要洗的衣服,洗衣
  • powdern. 粉,粉末,细雪,火药 vt. 洒粉于,使变成粉,重