1. I don’t wanna be one of those kind of woman , you know, sloughing things off onto co-workers because of a pediatrician appointment or a dance recital. I got really neurotic about putting people out.
这是Lynette的上司NinaLynette应征工作时说的话,道出了职场女性事业与家庭难以平衡的窘境。slough off有删除、戒除之意,这里可以理解为把事情丢给……co-这个前缀指的是共同……比如奥运会的协办城市可以叫co-city,这里就是同事的意思。pediatrician appointment指与儿科医生之约,dance recital是舞蹈演出。
2. Anyway, I’m afraid that my visit has an ulterior motive.
好像是Bree登门拜访Applewhite一家说的话。《绝望主妇》里的人物多次用到“ulterior motive”,指不为人知的隐秘动机。
3. Bree, we widows have to stick together.
stick together, 团结一心。Betty对Bree说这么一句话,是一个很友好的gesture.
4. Just because I choose to express myself doesn’t mean that I condone adultery.
Gabby怀了不知道父亲是谁的孩子,Carlos要求Gabby出具亲子鉴定。Gabby无奈只好去医院,看到一个头发染得五颜六色的护士,Gabby央求对方给她一个亲子鉴定的样张,没想到对方说出这么一句话。condone adultery, 宽恕通奸。这句台词真的很好笑!