It was appropriate to a decade in which these great truths were so sedulously cultivated by Hollywood that the first major American experiments to test this theory were made at Los Angeles in 1940.
The endocrinologists estimated the quantity of male hormones, or androgens, and of female hormones, or oestrogens, in the urine of seventeen homosexual men who had been 'taken into custody'.
They did the same for thirty-one "normal males".
Their results showed that even for a single individual this ratio could vary from time to time by a factor of up to thirteen.
However, a judicious averaging of the ratios suggested that gay men had an androgen-oestrogen ratio of only sixty per cent of the others.
The data were intimately bound up with instructions. Dr Glass, describing this result, 10 explained that 'Obviously, if a biologic etiology were established, this would lead to investigation of therapeutic possibilities from a much wider perspective than now exists,'
which in English meant that if they could find a chemical to turn homosexuals into heterosexuals, then they could use it.