For instance, he had made a convention that the machines should print out the 'computable numbers' on alternate squares of the 'tape', and use the intervening squares as working space.
But it would have been much easier if he had made a more generous allowance of working space.
So there was little about his work to attract anyone from outside the narrow circle of mathematical logic—with the possible exception of pure mathematicians who would be interested in the distinction between the computable numbers and the real numbers.
It had nothing obvious to do with what Lancelot Hogben called 'the world's work'.
There was one person, one of those few who were professionally interested in mathematical logic, who read the paper with a very considerable personal interest.
This was Emil Post, a Polish-American mathematician teaching at the City College of New York, who since the early 1920s had anticipated some of Gdel and Turing ideas in unpublished form.
In October 1936 he had submitted to Church's Journal of Symbolic Logic a paper which proposed a way of making precise what was meant by 'solving a general problem'.
It referred specifically to Church's paper, the one which solved the Hilbert decision problem but required an assertion that any definite method could be expressed as a formula in his lambda-calculus.
Post proposed that a definite method would be one which could be written in the form of instructions to a mindless 'worker' operating on an infinite line of 'boxes', who would be capable only of reading the instructions and
(a) Marking the box he is in (assumed empty),
(b) Erasing the mark in the box he is in (assumed marked),
(c) Moving to the box on his right,
(d) Moving to the box on his left,
(e) Determining whether the box he is in, is or is not marked.