Von Neumann had also seen that it was possible to interfere with the stored instructions, but had done so in only one very particular way.
If a stored instruction had the effect of 'taking the number at address 786', then he had noticed that it would be convenient to be able to add 1 into the 786, so that it gave the effect of 'taking the number at address 787'.
This was just what was needed for working along a long list of numbers, stored in locations 786, 787, 788, 789 and so forth, as would so frequently occur in large calculations.
这在处理存储在786, 787, 788, 789等位置的连续指令时,是非常好用的,而这种情况恰恰在大型计算中非常常见。
He had programmed the idea of going to the 'next' address, so that it did not have to be spelt out in explicit form.
But von Neumann went no further than this.
In fact, he actually proposed a way of ensuring that instructions could not be modified in any other way than this.
The Turing approach was very different.
Commenting on this feature of modifying instructions, he wrote in the report: 'This gives the machine the possiblity of constructing its own orders. ...This can be very powerful.'
In 1945 both he and the ENIAC team had hit upon the idea of storing the instructions inside the machine.
But this in itself said nothing about the next step, that of exploiting the fact that the instructions could now themselves be changed in the course of running the machine.
This was what he now went on to explain.