By 1945 this could be taken as Alan Turing's view, for if sometimes he had seen his sexuality as a cross to bear, it was more and more a fact of life,
one as much at the heart of what he was as that equally unasked-for, equally amoral, love of natural science.
But in defending this view in 1945 he was taking a line that in fifty years hardly anyone had dared say in public more clearly than Carpenter.
Not all the modernity of the war had changed this fact, and since his consciousness of sex had become clearer in 1933, there had been little but 'semi-platonic sentimentality' allowed.
Others, of course, were more content than he to remain the deceivers of men.
And they were wise in worldly terms, for it remained a taboo more dangerous than the Soviet heresy.
Untouched by electronic revolutions, unmentioned in the debates of 1945, it was not a subject for political people.
But Alan Turing was not one of those.
The early Labour Party had been open to Carpenter's ideals of a more simple life, and even of a New Morality.
His naively lucid questioning of what life was for, and of what socialism was going to make it, had played a part in its more innocent days.
Even when in power, in 1924, the first Labour cabinet had sent him a letter of thanks on his eightieth birthday. But the thirties had put paid to that.
In 1937 George Orwell had ridiculed what remained of such impractical, distracting naivete in The Road to Wigan Pier:
One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words 'Socialism' and 'Communism' draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, 'Nature Cure' quack, pacifist and feminist in England.