Whatever the capacities and dedication of the individuals, the system had not adjusted to the scale and significance of the information it processed.
If Bletchley had its successes through traditional British virtues of teamwork and of getting on with the job without a fuss, it suffered from limitations derived from an equally traditional British shabbiness and paltriness.
In Hut 4 they had their own tracking charts in order to deduce the meaning of grid references and so forth,
and it must have seemed that they could easily take on all the work of plotting and guiding the convoys more effectively than the OIC.
But this was a problem common to the higher reaches of the war effort, as young scientists and academics found themselves confronting the peacetime establishment.
In many ways, the war was, for Alan Turing's generation, the continuation of the conflicts expressed in another language in 1933.
They were not taking orders from brainless brass-hats, and, more positively, government was forced to adopt the central planning, scientific methods, and remedies for depression that had been argued for in the 1930s.
Bletchley was at the heart of this struggle. It was in 1941 that:
GC and CS had increased in size four-fold in the first sixteen months of the war.
At the beginning of 1941 it was by Whitehall standards poorly organised.
This was partly because the growth in its size and in the complexity of its activities had outstripped the experience of those who administered it. …