When the CEO of my former company sat the 100 employees down for an impromptu meeting, everyone knew something was coming. Sure enough, our company was going through a "merger" (CEO speak for "We got bought out, but a merger sounds more equitable"), and 29 employees were to be laid off that day. Mine was one of the first positions cut. Four months later, only a handful of the original 100 employees are left working for the "merged" company.
当我上一家公司的首席执行官给100名员工召开临时会议时,大家都知道:肯定要出事了 。果然,我们的公司要和其它公司合并了(首席执行官说"我们被收购了,但合并听起来更合理些"),那天解雇了29名员工 。我是第一批被裁的 。四个月后,原先的100名员工只有一小部分还在那家"被合并的"公司上班 。
At first, I was devastated. I was finally making things happen within my role and had been assigned an amazing boss just a couple months earlier. After some time, I realised that I was pretty much on a paid holiday. I was given a severance package and qualified for unemployment, so we'd be all right for the time being.
刚开始,我很崩溃 。几个月前,我终于做成了一些事,被分到一个超赞的上司手下工作 。一段时间后,我意识到,我的工作就像带薪休假一样舒坦 。然后公司给了我一笔遣散费,我失业了,但暂时相安无事 。
Weeks went by and I grew to love staying home and taking care of the household. My wife and I don't have kids (unless you count the dogs), but there are still things that need to get done. Laundry, dishes, sweeping, mopping, re-organisation, meal prep - every day brought something that needed to be accomplished around the house, and I found myself keeping busy and being able to run errands for my wife, as well.
几周后,我开始喜欢呆在家里、喜欢上了做家务 。我和妻子还没有孩子(除非狗狗算孩子的话),但家里还是有很多事情要做的 。洗衣服、洗碗、扫地、拖地、叠衣服、准备饭菜--我每天在家都需要做一些事情,我发现自己很忙,还能为老婆跑跑腿 。
The "traditional" approach of being a domestic god typically falls on the wife, which - let's be real - is garbage. A relationship of any kind is a partnership, regardless of who does what. I never had any expectations of my wife doing the dishes or making dinner or anything like that. I enjoy cleaning and cooking, and she enjoys spending time together.
传统观念认为做家务活的一般都是妻子--说实话--这种观点真是太垃圾了 。任何恋情都是伙伴关系,无论哪个人做了什么 。我从未想过让妻子洗碗或做晚饭或做类似的事情 。我享受打扫和烹饪,而她喜欢和我呆在一起 。
Here's the "traditional" way of marriage: Husband goes to the office, makes the money, and comes home, and the wife has cleaned the house and made dinner for the husband. She hands him his meal and beer and then makes herself scarce.
"传统"的婚姻是这样的:老公上班、挣钱,然后回家,老婆就将屋子打扫干净、为老公做晚饭 。妻子把晚饭、啤酒递给丈夫,然后悄悄离开 。
That's sh-t. Welcome to 2017.
My wife is the breadwinner, and there's no shame in that. She works hard for her paychecks, and I have the utmost respect for her. She came into a male-dominated field (IT) with absolutely no experience and worked her way up the ranks to become a respected member of her team. I stay home, write articles, and clean the bathroom.
我的爱人挣钱养家,我也不会不好意思 。她努力工作,我也十分尊敬她 。她完全没有经验,但却进入了男性主导的IT业,努力工作后成了团队中受人尊敬的一员 。而我呆在家里写文章,打扫卫生间 。