日期:2017-05-26 11:02


6.Toasty Mug
6 暖杯


Start your day with this ToastyMUG by SABRINA FOSSI. It will warm your hands as you sip coffee or tea.
就从SABRINA FOSSI发明的暖杯开始你一天的旅程吧,你将在品咖啡或者喝茶的时候顺便温暖自己的双手。

7.Smoko Toast USB Wired Hand Warmers
7 带有USB接口的烤面包型暖手宝


These cute little guys come from the same company that makes Smoko foot warmers, pillows, speakers, and more. Simply plug them into your USB port, and you'll feel the warmth almost immediately. Meanwhile, your fingers are still free to move.

8 超级连指手套


Smittens are the brainchild of Wendy Feller, who came up with the idea in 2009 while out on a brisk walk with her husband. Instead of holding hands through regular mittens, a set of Smittens includes one pair of regular size mittens and one oversized mitten for hand-holding. They can be found and purchased online.

9.Coldfingers Mitten Ice Tongs
9 冰块儿夹专用手套


You obviously don't want to get cold fingers grabbing a block of ice for your next tasty cocktail, so why would you subject your poor tongs to chilling temps? Sure, we have a tendency to anthropomorphize, but just in case they do have feelings, you could rock those tongs with Chilly Willy-styled mittens before they catch a cold! What a cool way to handle your ice. (Don't worry—they are very hygienic and made out of silicone).
你显然不想在为你的鸡尾酒添加冰块儿后让手指变凉,那为什么你会让你的钳子忍受如此冰冷的温度呢?当然你可以说我们有一种人格化的倾向,但是万一它们真的有感觉呢,在它们感冒之前,你可以用Chilly Willy风格的手套将它们包裹起来!这是多么酷的夹冰块儿方式呀!(别担心,手套非常卫生,由硅酮制成)。

10.Bluetooth Glove Headset
10 蓝牙耳机手套

blue tooth

This glove with Bluetooth technology allows you to get and make phone calls while keeping your hands covered.
