"Keep your elbows off the table." "Don't talk with your mouth full." These are popular reprimands we've all heard while sitting around the dinner table. If you're planning on traveling abroad, minding your manners may be a bit harder than you thought. Check out this list of quirky dining taboos in other countries.
10.Asian Noodles Taboo
In Asian countries, it is known that rice and noodles are the staple of their diets. Eating a bowl of pasta seems pretty cut and dry. Pick it up and put it in your mouth. But if you're in China, chopping your noodles in half will definitely draw a few dirty looks your way. To the Chinese, long noodles represent longevity. It is customary for people to slurp up a heaping bowl of lengthy noodles on their birthday. Your mom would have a fit if she saw you with noodles wagging from your lips. Tell her not to blame you, it's Chinese tradition. In addition to watching your noodles, you better be careful of where you point your chopsticks. It's rude to aim them at another person. That we can understand, but the don't flip your fish on your plate is a little unusual. But who are we to argue with tradition? This one is mainly practiced in areas that rely on fishing. Apparently, flipping your fish over is symbolic of capsizing the boat.
Neighboring Japan also has its fair share of intriguing dinner table taboos. They too are particular about their chopstick placement. In both countries, it's frowned upon when you poke your sticks straight up in a bowl of rice. It's a practice that is reserved for funeral services and a sign of disrespect for the dead when done any other time. If you're out in a restaurant, the owner will take offense. This is a sign of you cursing his business. Better watch out for the steaming hibachi.
9.New Guinea Menstrual
As if "that time of the month" isn't already filled with an overflow of emotions, women in New Guinea must take care not to violate traditional taboo. According to their customs, women on their cycle are viewed as being ill. To heal themselves, they aren't allowed to eat fresh meat, red fruit, or juicy bananas. On top of everything else, they have to watch their step as well. Anyone who eats food prepared by a menstruating women, or a meal she's stepped over is believed to be destined for a horrible cough. The usual victim is the woman's husband, some even believe this illness could lead to his death. In Papua, New Guinea, the Wogeo only believe blood is dirty when it comes from a woman's menstrual cycle. In fact, they even say that those who come in contact with this blood are likely to die. As with the majority of ancient customs and taboos, no one really knows when or why they started. They've been taught what they've been taught and dare not question tradition.
8.Don't Go Dutch
In America, some men would jump for joy if a woman offered to pay for her half of the date. Well in France and Russia, the "independent woman" mentality is not welcome. When picking up the tab, it's all or nothing over there. Only an uncivilized person would only pay for half the bill. In fact, most women won't even bring their wallets on a date. Just a not-so-subtle reminder that she's not paying for a thing.
Since we're on the topic, it's also expected to dress for the occasion. Jeans and a tee are never ok. In Russia, it's viewed as an honor to get acquainted with someone new. When getting ready for your date, it's preferred to dress formal.Say you were invited to eat at someone's home, it's extremely rude to show up empty-handed. When you're first greeted, it's also taboo to shake hands through a doorway. Also, don't ask for a to-go box or doggy bag. In America, we see it as a sign that we loved our meal and want to take it home. In France, it's the exact opposite. There is a bunch of differences we accept over here but people across the water may not share our sentiments. Something as simple as using the wrong hand gesture is social suicide. Your trip will be much more pleasant if you study the taboos before you travel.
7.Italians Are Sensitive About Their Cheese
Our Italian dining experience is normally tailored around ordering lasagna from Olive Garden. On the contrary, an authentic experience in Italy will vary quite a bit. First thing to remember, don't insult the chef by asking for more cheese. Instead, you might get a swift whopping by an old loaf of garlic bread. Seafood in Italy isn't meant to have cheese on it. If you ask nicely, the chef might oblige but most of the time, you'll just get a dirty look.
Also, Italians take their meal definitions seriously. Breakfast food is for breakfast. Lunch is for lunch, and so on. Ordering a cappuccino after breakfast is not cool. More milk than what's in a macchiato's after mid day will give the locals permission to tell you about yourself. You don't need to speak Italian. They'll make it perfectly clear that you've crossed the line. When you're offered food, proper etiquette says you should always decline the first time. After they insist again, you humbly accept and merrily enjoy the cuisine.
6.Tardy Tanzania
This dining taboo is one we can get used to. Americans pride themselves on arriving promptly on time (well, most of them), but in Tanzania it is considered rude to show up to an invitation early. Out of respect, invited guest should always wait 15-20 minutes after the affair's commencement to make an appearance. If you're looking for something to wear, loose-fitting clothing is always appropriate. Most meals are enjoyed while sitting on the floor.
Also, Tanzanian men and women don't eat together. In fact, taboo prevents men from entering the kitchen at all. That's a card we know a bunch of American men wish they could pull. "Honey, I would help with the dishes but I'm forbidden from coming in the kitchen." A bowl of water and towel will be passed around for you to clean your hands. This as well as the ugali, or communal bowl for the meal, must all be passed only with the right.
翻译:毛志遥 来源:前十网