The quiet, tree-lined streets of Brooklyn Heights have long been among the most sought after for real estate in New York City. Its proximity to Manhattan and an abundance of historic architecture — some of it dating back more than 100 years — has helped the area command some of the highest prices in Brooklyn.
纽约布鲁克林高地(Brooklyn Heights)绿树成荫、幽静无比的街巷一直是市区最为抢手的置业之地。它毗邻曼哈顿岛,各种历史建筑云集(有些可追溯至100多年前),从而成为布鲁克林区房价中的佼佼者。
While the district has largely escaped the wave of property development that has gripped the rest of Brooklyn in recent years, a small building boom is now taking hold in a neighbourhood unaccustomed to large-scale projects.
According to CityRealty, a property-tracking company, at least six residential developments are in the construction or planning stages in Brooklyn Heights, set to bring more than 774 new homes to an area that measures just over a quarter of a square mile. Many of the new projects target the upper end of the market, where availability has traditionally been tight. “Low inventory has always been the biggest obstacle to buying real estate in places like Brooklyn Heights,” says Leslie Marshall, an estate agent at Corcoran’s local office. “Now there’s more development and that benefits the increasing number of buyers who want to be here.”
据楼市信息追踪公司CityRealty统计:在布鲁克林高地,如今至少6处住宅区正在建设或处于规划之中,有望给这块0.25平方英里多一点的弹丸之地新增774套新居。许多新开发楼盘针对高端市场,而昔日的高端楼盘供给一直屈指可数。“楼盘存量低一直是在布鲁克林高地等区域置业的最大障碍。”房产经纪公司科科伦(Corcoran)纽约分部经纪莱斯利氠歇尔(Leslie Marshall)说。“如今布鲁克林高地开发的楼盘渐趋增多,这让有意来此居住的买家获益更多。”
According to property appraiser Miller Samuel, prices have almost doubled since 2010. Already New York’s most populous borough, Brooklyn is still growing. More than 22,000 new apartments are on track to be built by 2019, says CityRealty. While much of the new construction will be in emerging areas such as Bushwick, Red Hook and Bedford-Stuyvesant, some of the building is under way in well-established areas too, such as Dumbo, Williamsburg and Brooklyn Heights.
纽约住宅房产估价公司Miller Samuel认为:自2010年以来,纽约房价差不多翻了一番。尽管布鲁克林已成为纽约市人口最为稠密的区域,但其人口仍在不断增长。CityRealty声称到2019年时,布鲁克林将兴建超过2.2万套新居。尽管很多新建楼盘位于Bushwick、Red Hook、以及Bedford-Stuyvesant等新开发区域,但仍有一些在建楼盘位于小飞象街区(Dumbo)、威廉斯堡时尚区(Williamsburg)、以及布鲁克林高地等黄金地段。
“The Brooklyn market is seeing sales strength in just about every corner,” says Doug Bowen, a broker with Douglas Elliman. “Adding units and new property investment just make sense for developers.”
“布鲁克林各个地段楼盘的销售都很喜人。”Douglas Elliman经纪人道格贠榜(Doug Bowen)说。“因此地产商投资开发新楼盘也就有了充足的动力。”
And nowhere more so, it seems, than in Brooklyn Bridge Park, an area of Brooklyn Heights that hugs the shoreline in the shadow of Brooklyn Bridge. The area sat largely barren of property development for decades, but is now undergoing an ambitious transformation that includes new condominiums, upmarket hotels and restaurants. Pierhouse at Brooklyn Bridge Park, a hotel and condo complex developed by Toll Brothers City Living, includes 106 apartments with landscaped gardens and unobstructed views across the East River to Lower Manhattan.
布鲁克林大桥公园(Brooklyn Bridge Park)如今似乎最为抢手,它属于布鲁克林高地,位于布鲁克林大桥附近的滨海地段。几十年来,一直是未开发的处女地,但如今这里正在雄心勃勃地“旧貌换新颜”,包括分契式公寓、高档酒店和餐馆在内的Pierhouse项目位于布鲁克林大桥公园区,这个酒店与分契式公寓楼盘组成的项目由Toll Brothers City Living房地产公司负责开发,共 106套景观花园式公寓,东河(East River)对岸的下曼哈顿区(Lower Manhattan)胜景一览无遗。
Although the project will not be complete until March next year, 70 per cent of its homes have already been sold, including a four-bedroom penthouse with more than 5,000 sq ft of living space that was bought for $11.18m — one of the most expensive condominium purchases ever in the borough, according to David von Spreckelsen, president of Toll Brothers City Living. Prices for the remaining apartments range from $2.55m for a one-bedroom unit to $11.19m for a five-bedroom home.
尽管该楼盘明年3月份才能完工,但70%的公寓已经售出,其中就包括实用面积超过5000平方英尺、售价高达1118万美元的4卧顶层豪宅——Toll Brothers City Living总裁大卫冯斯普里克森(David von Spreckelsen)说,它已成为布鲁克林区有史以来售价最高的分契式公寓;而未售出的公寓房售价介于255万美元(一卧公寓)与1119万美元(5卧公寓)之间不等。
One Brooklyn Bridge Park is a 12-storey building with 360 apartments that also includes a 3,000 sq ft fitness centre, a yoga studio and on-site parking. Douglass Elliman is marketing a two-bedroom, 2,550 sq ft apartment in the development for $3.6m. Prices for the 16 apartments that remain on sale in the building range from $995,000 for a one-bedroom unit to $4.99m for a five-bedroom home.
布鲁克林大桥公园1号楼(One Brooklyn Bridge Park)总高12层,共有360套公寓房,此外还建有面积达3000平方英尺的健身中心、一间瑜伽室以及相应的停车场。Douglass Elliman房产经纪公司正出售该楼盘一套面积2550平方英尺、售价360万美元的2卧公寓。在待售的16套公寓房中,售价从99.5万美元(一卧公寓)到499万美元(5卧公寓)不等。
“Brooklyn real estate has always been synonymous with older structures and prewar buildings,” says Tom Bohan, a broker with estate agency Weichert. “But the newer developments are attracting a lot of buyers with larger spaces and updated amenities.”
“以前一说起布鲁克林的房地产,就等同于二战之前老旧房子的代名词,”Weichert房产公司经纪人汤姆娠襓(Tom Bohan)说。“但新开发楼盘的户型大、先进设施一应俱全,各路买家纷至沓来。”
Traditional stock is still in great demand, though. Corcoran is selling a four-storey townhouse built in 1857 in Pierrepont Place that, at $40m, is marketed at a record sum for a residential property in the borough. The house has 16 bedrooms and 17,354 sq ft of living space, as well as more than 9,000 sq ft of garden and outdoor space.
尽管如此,老房子仍然供不应求。科科伦以4000万美元的售价挂售一套位于Pierrepont Place、始建于1857年的4层连栋老宅,这是布鲁克林区居民住宅有史以来的最高售价。这栋老宅共有16个卧室,实用面积达17354平方英尺,此外还有超过9000平方英尺的花园及户外活动空间。
Not everyone is thrilled with surging property development in Brooklyn Heights. Several preservationist groups led by longtime residents oppose the rash of new construction, arguing that the building boom is altering the area’s historic charm and blocking its views of Manhattan. One group, called Save the View Now, lost a court fight in June to block the Pierhouse development when a New York State Supreme Court judge dismissed its lawsuit.
布鲁克林高地楼盘开发一路飚升,并非人见人喜。由老居民领衔的几个环保团体反对一窝蜂式地开发楼市,他们声称房地产开发狂潮正在改变该地区的独特历史风情,而且遮挡了远眺曼哈顿岛的视线。今年6月,纽约州最高法院(New York State Supreme Court)法官裁定其中一个名为Save the View Now团体败诉,该团体要求法院阻止Pierhouse楼盘项目的开发。
Yet developers and many long-time brokers in the area defend the building work. “It was inevitable that an area as popular as Brooklyn Heights would see more property development at some point,” says Leslie Marshall, of Corcoran. “But frankly many of these newer properties have taken pains to keep with the area’s architectural integrity and some of them are actually adding value to the neighbourhood.”