Computer bugs, such as programming errors or oversights, can cause horrific disaster or financial loss. A previous list gave several examples. Not all bugs have such tragic effects, however. Sometimes the result is comical, embarrassing, or both.
10.The First National Bank Of Chicago Error
Imagine being a typical employee of the local gas company, checking the balance on your bank account, and finding that you now have over $900 million. That's what happened to Sylvester Dorsey in May 1996, along with 825 other customers of the First National Bank of Chicago. "I showed the receipt to a friend and we just started screaming," said Dorsey. Jeff Ferrera, another lucky bank customer, said, "It was just unique being called a billionaire for a day."
试想,作为当地一家加油站的普通雇员,在核查自己银行账户的收支差额时,竟然发现自己户头现在超过了9亿美元。这就是西尔威斯特·多尔西(Sylvester Dorsey)1996年5月遇见的事情,还有825位该银行的其他顾客遭遇了同样的经历。"我把银行详单给一个朋友看,我们忍不住尖叫起来。" 多尔西这样说。杰夫·费雷拉(Jeff Ferrera),另一位幸运的银行客户,说:"被叫了一天亿万富翁,真奇特。"
James Lancaster, senior vice president at First National, said the windfalls were caused by "a computer programming error." According to the Chicago Tribune, "Nobody, to the bank's knowledge, ran off to the Cayman Islands with the money." That's probably a good thing, because the total value of the error was about $764 billion, far more than the total assets of the bank. At the time, it was the largest banking error in US history.
第一国家银行的高级副行长詹姆斯·兰开斯特(James Lancaster)说,这些横财是由"一个计算机程序错误"造成的。据《芝加哥论坛报》,"根据银行的信息,没有人携带巨款跑到开曼群岛去。"这也许是件好事,因为错误造成的总价值约为7640亿美元,远远超出银行总资产。当时,这是美国史上银行方面最严重的错误。
9.Windows Phone 8 Says To Insert A Disc
Windows Phone was Microsoft's answer to the iPhone. The first version, named Windows Phone 7, launched in October 2010. The next major version, Windows Phone 8, launched in October 2012.
But although the phone was well received, it wasn't all smooth sailing: Some Windows Phone 8 users ran into an amusing situation where Windows failed to start and the screen showed an error message which instructed them to "Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer." It didn't say where to insert the disc.It seems that some of the users who got the message had been trying to load modified firmware onto their phone, and this was the phone's way of saying "no." Others claimed that the error occurred "without any provocation."That message came up because Windows Phone 8 is based on the Windows NT kernel, a kernel which first came out in 1993. It has been used as the core of all Windows desktop operating systems since Windows 2000, including XP, Vista, 7, and 8. As a result, Windows Phone 8 sometimes thinks it's a desktop operating system.
8.Siri's Recommended Smartphone Was A Nokia
Siri is Apple's personal assistant for the iPhone and iPad. You can ask it questions using everyday language and it gives an answer. In 2012, you could ask Siri "What's the best cell phone ever?" and it would respond "Nokia—Lumia 900 4G Mobile Phone—Cyan (AT&T)." Siri recommended a competitor's smartphone!
苹果语音助理是苹果公司为苹果手机和平板电脑推出的个人助理功能。你可以用日常语言向它提问,它则向你提供答案。2012年,你可以问语音助理"迄今最好的移动电话是什么?",答案会说"诺基亚——露米娅900 4G手机——青色(美国电话电报公司)"。苹果语音助理竟然推荐了竞争对手的智能手机!
The gaffe happened because Siri passed the question to Wolfram Alpha, a "computational knowledge engine" operated by another company. Wolfram Alpha interpreted the question as asking for the best mobile phone based on customer reviews. At the time, the available information led Wolfram Alpha to conclude that the answer was a Nokia phone.Apple has updated Siri since then, so the answer is different now. In fact, several answers are possible, including "You're kidding, right?" and "The one you're holding."
之所以出现这个洋相,是因为语音助理把问题传送给了沃尔夫勒姆a数学搜索引擎 (Wolfram Alpha)——另一家公司运营的"计算式知识搜索引擎"。沃尔夫勒姆a把这个问题理解为:从用户评价来看,什么是最好的手机。当时可用的信息让沃尔夫勒姆a得出了诺基亚的结论。从那以后,苹果公司更新了语音助理,现在答案已经不同了。实际上,可能出现几种答案,包括"你在开玩笑,不是吗?"和"就是你手里的。"
7.Baby Glitches In ‘The Sims 3′
The Sims 3 is a "strategic life simulation game" developed by The Sims Studio and published by Electronic Arts (EA). It came out in 2009 and is one of the best-selling video games of all time.
Video games are notoriously difficult to get perfect, and The Sims 3 is no exception. Unlike most video games, The Sims 3 has babies, a fact that enables all sorts of weird and embarrassing glitches.For example, The Sims 3 allows users to create custom content and share it with others. It turns out that some custom clothing can make babies do animations intended for bigger avatars, causing their tiny baby skeletons to stretch and contort into long-armed, long-fingered pretzels. Some people call them demon babies.Even more embarrassing is the fact that some in-game babysitters used to take babies. They'd just carry the baby out of the house. One might wonder if this was some game designer's twisted idea of intriguing drama, but the babysitters seemed to be oblivious to the fact that they were taking the baby. The klepto-nanny glitch was fixed in June 2009.Then there's the infinite baby loop. When a baby is born, you get a chance to name it. Sometimes you get asked a second time, and a third time, and so on, with each naming generating a new baby. One can get dozens of babies, with no apparent limit.
6.The Xbox One Password Back Door
6.娱乐一体机(Xbox One)的密码后门
Parents and children often share the same console, but many parents don't want their kids playing certain games. To address this, Microsoft's Xbox One has an account system, with each account having different capabilities. One can set up an account for each adult and child, with some accounts requiring a password to log in.
In March 2014, a five-year-old discovered that he could get into his dad's Xbox One account by giving the wrong password at the first prompt, then entering nothing but spaces as the second password. When asked how he felt when he discovered the back door, he said, "I was like, yeah!" Suddenly he was able to play all his dad's games.His dad is a security researcher, so when he saw his son using his account, he asked him how he'd gotten past the password. Once he found out, he reported the back door to Microsoft, and Microsoft patched it. Microsoft even listed his son, Kristoffer Wilhelm von Hassel, in their official list of "March 2014 Security Researchers." Some people have jokingly referred to Kristoffer as the world's youngest white-hat hacker.
2014年3月,一个5岁大的孩子发现,在出现第一次提示时输入错误的密码,他就能进入他爸爸的账户,然后只用按空格键作为第二次输入的密码。当被问到发现这个后门的感受时,他说:"我就想这样,噢耶!"他瞬间就能玩爸爸所有的游戏了。他的父亲是一位(信息)安全研究人员,所以当他看见自己的儿子使用自己的账户时,他便询问儿子怎样得到密码的。明白整个过程后,他把这个后门告诉了微软公司,微软公司对其进行了修补。微软公司甚至把这个孩子的名字,克里斯汀·威廉·冯·哈塞尔(Kristoffer Wilhelm von Hassel) ,列入了其"2014年3月安全研究员"的正式名单。有些人开玩笑似的把克里斯汀称为世界上最小的白帽黑客
翻译:罗惠月 来源:前十网