Massive Lather Fight at St Andrews University
Having foam: Students from St Andrews University participate in the traditional Raisin Monday celebration. These frolicking freshers look like there's nowhere else they'd lather be. In a bizarre ancient tradition, hundreds of first years had a massive foam fight at Scotland's St Andrews University yesterday. The event was part of the annual Raisin Monday celebration, which is believed to date back to when the university was founded in 1413. First years paraded into St Salvator's Quadrangle, known as 'The Quad', in fancy dress, before the 30-minute foam battle kicked off. Students were left covered head-to-toe and the foam was so thick it was used to style hair during the skirmish. Raisin Monday weekend is designed to help new students integrate more easily into university life.
。这些嬉戏着的大一新生们身上似乎再没有地方可以抹上泡沫了 。这是当地苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的一项古怪传统,成千上万的大一新生必须经历这场泡沫大战 。泡沫大战只是盛会葡萄干星期一的一部分,据说葡萄干星期一的历史可以追溯到这所大学成立之初的1413年 。这些新生们在大学的广场上积极地为这张持续30分钟的大战做着准备 。这些学生要从头到脚彻底装备,而这些泡沫质感很厚,是专门用来固定发型的 。活动的目的是让这些新生们更好地融入大学校园的生活 。All white: The tradition dates back to the early days of the university when new students would give senior students a pound of raisins.
。Bubble trouble: Two girls frolic in the foam (right) and two St Andrews students hug as the white stuff goes everywhere.
。Bit of a laugh: The tradition is meant to help new students get to know each other.