She only learnt to walk five months ago, but 'Baby Beyoncé' is already strutting her stuff on stage at pageants.
Wearing a black leotard and curled hairpiece, beauty queen Bobbi Boyden shakes her hips and blows kisses to the audience as part of her routine.
Her mother Stephanie Boyden, 32, says Bobbi is a 'diva' who runs to the stage when her name is called - and screams when she has to leave.
She said: 'Bobbi's like a little Beyonce, a little madam really.'
But her success doesn't come cheap and her mother has already spent £5,000 on elaborate dresses and entry fees.
'In total I've spent about £5,000 in three months on my three girls. One dress cost me $200 and she only wore it twice before she grew out if it - but I don't intend to lower my spending.
'You can't put a price on the look on her face when she's on stage in her costumes.'
'She does wear wigs and crowns and fancy dresses but I don't give her spray tans or cake her in makeup - I'll wait until she's about five for that.'
'For now she wears a dab of lipstick and nail varnish.'
Bobbi's dad Anton, 28, admits that he had his concerns at first, but is now comfortable with Bobbi's routine.
Anton, who works in the military, said: 'I thought the Beyonce routine was inappropriate when Steph first told me about it, but when I saw her on the stage doing it, it worked out quite well and everyone enjoyed it.'
'She enjoys it and we don't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do.'
'This child is going somewhere big, you mark my words.'